chapter 9 :))

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Chapter 10


“Where is she!!!” a loud voice boomed into my ear, almost making me fall off the tree.

Both of them stayed silent.

“We oppose to amendment 5.”Damien said a minute later, I smiled at the retarded-ness of my new friend. {[A/n: for those who don’t know with amendment 5 is, it that they have the right to remain silent. :)]}

I heard feet going up my latter and into the tree house. I quickly jumped off the branch and broke the neck of the man that was looking at Damien and Amelia. I loud crack brought chills down my back but I ignored it grabbed the both of them and yelled.


**End of Recap**

They shifted in the air to their animals and ran for their life, I quickly followed after them jumping onto Amelia white tiger this time, telling her to run as fast as Damien. Footsteps trailed behind us, thumping faster and faster every second. Looking behind me they were right in back of us.

‘They’re right in back of us’ I mind linked them. They both to a quick glance back, nodded at each other.

“Hold on tight Clarissa” Amelia said the next thing I know. Everything is a blur, only streaks of brown, green and blue flashed into my eyes. I saw Damon right beside us, his golden fur flashing brighter.

I turned back forward, looking at what was in front of me. I saw the road coming toward fast, with in a blink of an eye, we over the road back into the forest I saw the back of my house they both abruptly stopped and lunged forth hitting ground with ‘crack’.

“Shit...” I whisper, clutching my ribs shutting my eyes tight.

“Are you okay??” Amelia said, threw mind link, nudging me with her wet nose.

I sat up, and then stood filling my rip that was now repaired.

“Yea, follow me.” I said climbing up the tree by Aaron’s room. I jumped onto the balcony, waving Amelia, and Damien to follow. They leaped onto the balcony with a ‘thump’.

I slid the door open slowly and quietly. I looked at sleeping Aaron on the bed; I walked to the bed sitting next to Aaron. Waving both of the large cats, and were looking at me curiously, to come over.

“Aaron wake up…Aaron…AARON!” I said making him jolt up of the bed. He looking at me looking slightly frighten, but it was quickly replaced with a smile. He hugged me tightly, planting a brotherly kiss on my cheek. I heard a threatening growl, in back of me but it wasn’t I enough to tear me apart from my brother, I missed him so much. I felt thudding of paws, I quickly pulled away from Aaron, holding a hand full of white hair attached to the animals face. I looked and the face of the animal, noticed it was Amelia’s white tiger.

“Amelia what are you doing??” I asked.

‘Get away from him!!” she demanded.


‘I said get away from him or what I’ll do, I will regret in the future.’ She said.

“I need a reason.” I told her. The next thing I know I see a paw coming toward my face until I see Aarons brown wolf push Amelia to the ground growling loudly tell her to stop.

“Amelia calm down” I said with power with Aaron still hold her, the red ring around her eyes.

“I went to Aaron’s closet grabbing some clothes and handed it to them. Amelia came out of the closet wearing Aaron gigantic shirt. And the guy came out in jeans and a t-shirt.

“who is he to you.” Amelia said demanding an answer.

“and you need to know because?” I said still having the feeling to mess with someone.

“tell me NOW!!” she told me.

“I’ll TELL you when you giv-” was all I said before Amelia lunged again trying to break my neck, but failed,. I grabbed her from her shirt and slammed her into the wall.

“His MINE and only MINE, you stupid ass SLUT!!!” she yell in my face. It click they were mates, or soul-mates, or whatever.

I laughed in her face dropping her to the ground. “your such a dumbass… h-he m-my bru-der!”I said through my laughs. She looked at me if had grown thousands of head. I rolled on the floor, I no longer and a voice all you could hear from me is, ‘…’ I laughed from about five minutes, I was probably blue or purple, from not breathing for five minutes.

I stood up holding my stomach, it hurt so bad but it was worth it. I open the door to hear screaming and yelling from down stairs.

“Damien, follow me. Get the bat.” I whispered signaling him to follow.

I quietly listened to where it came from, it was from ambers room.

“please don’t… leave me alone get away from  me…AHHHHHH!!!!” It was amber, but I was debating on whether I should go in and say:

‘ha- ha- ha-ha, payback back a isn’t it Amber!!!’ shaking my butt, dancing then running off before my ex-father kills me. But I’m not like that but it what I feel like doing, instead I told Damien to hide in the corner, and get ready to swig.

I opened and slammed the closet door.

“hello anyone here… hello!?!?!” I shouted. I heard his feet scrape against the floor. the door and Damien  swag the bat at his face , crushing his nose I ran past him pushing him to the floor.

I almost puked because of the blood smell that filled the room. I saw blood strains on the carpet the was pure white before I left. Amber was in the corner, curled up into a ball, covered in bruises. I ran to her holding her tight, while she pushed me back.

“It’s okay amber everything going to be okay I promise.” I said to her. Humming the song, mother used to sing to us, it instantly calmed her down. “hold on amber.”

I let go of her I ran to Damien, I heard him whimper. “Damien comfort her please.” “no problem he toss me the bat I did what I always wanted to do. Beat the sh*t out him till the point where, he about to die. I swung the bat to his face with a loud smack, cracking his skull, I swung again hitting his arms, legs, ribs, jaw, stomach, everywhere, even the balls, that one sounded the worst. Someone took the bat away from me, so I punch the half dead man in the face thousands of times. 

When I got yanked away from him, he was lifeless, his eyes where blood shot, he had cuts bruises (he looked black and blue), he also looked like a crumbled paper that was slightly unraveled. I smiled at my work of art, I need a finishing touch for mom. I stomped on his nuts. Hee-hee, he can’t make any more babys, even  if he wanted to,… unless hes dead, oh well he got what he deserved.

He was a stupid selfish mother f***er!!!

What goes around, comes around!!


I know this is short but at least im upload!!!!

I’m trying to upload as must as I can for the week end!!

Harrey tell me what you guys think!!

Don’t forget to:



-and fan

Also tell me what you thought, do you think HE  deserved what he got and why. Hmmm… I wanna see interesting answers. Also I know this was a strange chapter, but her father actual killed but she had a second chance at life and she looked even worse then what he looked, he he was seriously hurt, pretty bad. Just think about it…


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