Chapter 2

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God this girl was cute. And pretty. And beautiful. And kind. Hayes shut up. You've known her two seconds and already you're thinking about her. She doesn't even like you.

Second period passed quickly, I found out that Millie had 2 older brothers and a younger sister. Just like me. I also found out her birthday was June 21st. She also had 4th and 5th period with me as well. As we gathered our stuff, about to leave, her hand slipped and books went all over the floor. Seizing my chance, I picked them up for her and handed them to her. And she looks at me with them goddamn beautiful eyes.


I didn't learn much maths that lesson, more about hayes. I grabbed my books too fast and everything just falls. Shit, how embarrassing. Before I know it hayes has them in his hands and I'm putting them in my bag. I look up at him, right into his eyes.

"Thanks hayes,"

"No problem,"

We both go our separate ways for break. Why the hell would he want to know how many siblings I had and not the unit of pi? He puzzled me.

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