Chapter 3

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Lunch went slow. Girls asking for autographs, lads saying hi, making friends, blah blah blah. This uniform was uncomfortable. These situations were uncomfortable. Ugh I hated this.

After lunch, it was time for 4th period, once again, I was sat next to Millie.

"How come you sit beside so many empty chairs?" I ask her. That Madison person from this morning walks past me. "Cos she's a swat" she says. Her friend laughs at her sick joke and they strut off to their seats. Millie just shakes her head.

"Don't they bother you?" I ask.

"I've been called worse, it doesn't bother me."

"What kind of worse?" I ask. Millie just smiles sadly and shakes her head.


"What kind of worse?" He asks and I think of the time Madison hit me. The time her friend, Nuala locked me in the caretakers closet. The time when I got beat up outside of school. Something inside snaps at that thought, but I hide the pain and smile instead.

At that point hayes decides to leave it at that. From that moment conversation was awkward. A few questions about the topic we were on and that was it. And. That. Was. It. I wish it was more. How much I wish it was more.

The end of that period came slowly. Too slowly. Before I got up. Hayes spoke,

"Mind if I walk to 5th with you?"

"Of course."

"Hey, um, sorry about before. I didn't mean to intrude like that,"

"Don't worry, it happens, just got to let it go"

Hayes starts to sing a verse of 'Let it go' from frozen and that makes us both laugh. I smile and we make our way to 5th.

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