a story.

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when the sun found the moon, he realised they were quite, well, how do you put it, different.

not in a bad way, they were simply just different as they could be.

the sun, himself, was a young man whose skin had a tan glow, accompanied with straight blonde hair and large blue eyes - the perfect mix of the fire-y goldens of the said star, and the bright blue of the sky of the planet earth.

the moon, who was sitting on a chair in a victorian-esque garden while sipping some tea, was another young man, however his skin was as dull and pale as the said moon and had adopted pitch black hair and blue eyes - an unusual mix of the dark space filled with stars, and the pale blue of the reflection of the earth's sun-lit sky.

and that's when the day met the night.
and that's when the sun might've fallen in love, with one graceful smile sent his way from the tea drinking young man.

when the moon found the sun, sometime later, he realised they weren't so different after all.

for example, they both fell in love with each others closely hued eyes when they talked about the stuff they enjoyed.

the moon himself was indeed intrigued in the magical properties of anything and everything - despite the sun not being as interested in the subject matter, he would listen to the moon, who adopted the nickname merlin early on their shared whisperings, with glowing eyes and a melting heart.

the sun believed those random magical facts of stuff was one of the many things that made it all oh-so-special about their escapades - he soon realised that he fell in love, hard, with the young man named merlin, also known as the moon, as he was talking about a special rock from earth called amethyst.

arthur, as the sun named himself a short time later, started to tell merlin a story inspired by the "gods and monsters" he had muttered - a story about a knight in shining armor, and his trusted magician helper.

all was golden in the sky, he started, all was golden when the knight kissed the magician.

decades passed: all magical facts were told, and the original story had come to an end long before, yet the two still frequently met, and everytime the one with the golden locks told another story and the one with the black strands found another topic to give facts on.

at some point, those near them felt the need to ask where they went and who they met

the moon would tell them, with a glittering smile he might've adopted from the sun, that he could, from time to time, enjoy the warmth, you know?

the sun, on the other side, would grace those around him with a laugh that echoed, and say thay he, himself, loved a young magician, could you relate?

when the sun found the moon, under the same tree they met once upon a time, with a tea set and a good book, he did what he wanted to do decades ago.

when the moon went along with the sun's lips against his own, he could not help but practically beam

and well, they continued to kiss, and all was golden in the sky for a brief moment in time.

when the day met the night [merthur]Where stories live. Discover now