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In the throne room everyone stood aside, while Sir El stood before the princess and king.  "Sir El, will you please remove your helm?" Fernanda asked the brave knight who won the tournament. The individual removed their helmet to reveal their true self. The audience gasped and the king became outraged.

El wasn't a male. El is a female elf. One of those who were demonic and enemy to the throne. Her dark skin glistened under the sunlight and her hair was dark as the night. "Might I explain myself your majesty?" Her voice was soothing and calm, like fresh honey.

"Very well." The king stubbornly complied to the wishes. Even though the king had a temper, he was fair and just. Even to those who were enemies.

"I may be a female, but I was born with male genitalia and am able to produce heirs for this kingdom." El began, "my name is Ellie and I am an elf, I am well aware of our species being enemies, but I want this war to end."

The king stayed silent for a moment or two and frowned, "very well there is no way around this. However, you must produce an heir in order for you both to receive the crown and rule the realm. Otherwise our kingdom is doomed."

Fernanda was about to protest to this. There was no love for this person. There was no potential. She was different. There'd be no way. For the good of the country she should just behead this imposter. She was intelligent enough to lead the war, but her father gave her a sinister look so she remained silent.

"Court dismissed," the king announced. "Ellie and Fernanda stay." The people compiled into an organized line and filed out of the throne room without hesitation. "This is going to be difficult. I have no knowledge of this curse you have child, but you will produce an heir or our kingdoms will cease to exist." He frowned.

"It's no curse.." Ellie frowned at the insult.

"Whatever it is, you will do whatever it takes for the kingdoms to end this war. Your people are too stubborn." He frowned and looked at his daughter. "Don't let me down." He fled the throne room in frustration.

"Well that went well..." Ellie breathed out and went back into a cheerier attitude. "Your father is very racist... and very condescending, but no matter."

"Excuse you," Fernanda gasped in horror. "He is the king... you disrespect him, you might as well disrespect your future queen."

"Ah, but as your father puts it, that's if, and your highness, I'm sorry to disappoint, but I am a bit higher than your species intellect and I can be persuasive." She whispered in Fernanda's ear. "You see, I'm more than just looks."

Fernanda raised her chin, "you're disgusting..." she moved to turn away, but Ellie grabbed her wrist firmly.

"You may not like it— I don't either, but this is the only way to save the future." Ellie said. "But it's your decision. You can be self centered or you can think about the future for your country."

Fernanda moved away from her. "I don't think you understand, I don't have an attraction toward your kind. You're evil." She said.

"Well let me prove you wrong..." she said moving toward her. "Let me help save the country we love.." she moved closer, closing the gap between them.

"Give me time to think," Fernanda said. "A week..."

"Two days." Ellie said.

"A week." Fernanda crosses her arms.

"Fine three days, deal or the country falls due to a stupid war." Ellie raised her chin this time.

"Deal," Fernanda shifted her weight to one side.

"Good, by the way, I told you I'd win." She smirked and walked away.

The next day Fernanda took a walk through the Firelight Gardens of the Helpless. The garden illuminated with colors of blue, purple, and green as she walked through the beauty. It was where those dwelled to seek for wisdom and guidance. She picked a blue glowing plant called Sakura. It opened it's gorgeous petals and illuminated her face.

"You look pretty when conflicted." A woman's voice came from the shadows, startling Fernanda.

"Thought three days of thinking we're going to be spent alone." Fernanda sighed. Ellie was dressed in a blue tunic made of cotton and a black pair of pants.

"That wasn't part of our agreement princess. I agreed to let you think on it, but never said I wouldn't leave you alone." She smiled playfully. "You can leave the kingdom ruined or you could save it. I won't meddle with your decision, I'll just be a listener."

Fernanda laughed tiredly. "Yeah right, you're an enemy." She tossed the flower aside. "Your people kill mine."

"And yours kill mine," Ellie moved forward. "But that doesn't mean that should continue. That's why I competed."

"And what does your people say about it?" Fernanda asked bitterly.

"They don't know about it." Ellie admitted. "It was a choice I made for the people. Now it is your turn to make a choice for yours." With that she left Fernanda alone to her thoughts.

She understood the sacrifices she must make for herself and freedom, but what of her people. Her father was right. She needed to stop being selfish. She needed to begin thinking for her country, not of herself as an individual, but what of this elf. She entered the tournament and competed for her hand in marriage. She didn't even know if she was telling the truth. Fernanda pondered over the dutiful thoughts and the personal thoughts.

On the second day Fernanda and her father sat in the dining hall as he ate his breakfast and she played with her food. She spoke to her father hesitantly. "Should we believe this elf?"

Her father looked up from his meal. "You should, for your country. You don't have a choice. You'll doom them."

"Thanks..." Fernanda sighed.

"I'm an old king wishing to step down Fernanda." The king sat up in his seat and moved back with his hands folded over his stomach. "From now on it is your decision and only yours. I will guide you, but I don't have long."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2019 ⏰

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