~~Faint Memory~~

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I Just Reread the last chapter.... WHY IS TIRED ME LIKE THIS?! Going from, panic, to how do pee, do not compute?

Why am I like this....

ughhhh..... just enjoy the chapter Ya'll.

"So, there are monsters in the forest?" (Y/N) asked for the third time, neither of the men she was walking with were answering, they were just mumbling words amongst each other. They had a conversation about all the creatures, and to be careful, don't talk, all that stuff, and (Y/N) was getting her mind around being a guy, but after they were sure she understood, they kept to themselves.

"What will he do?" Tim asked Brian in a hushed tone, keeping a few steps in front of (Y/N).

"I don't know, but he will need to help him, Jacks the only thing stopping us from going insane on the spot." Brian whispered back.

(Y/N) listened closely. She felt like she should know this already, but then again, she had no prior knowledge of either of the two. Brian looked back at (Y/N) and noticed she had heard the quiet conversation.

There was a step in the forest to the left of them, and (Y/N)'s head snapped to the noise. She looked around wildly. Brian stopped to look, and Tim followed suit. A deep growl came from an unknown place, and only when Brian jabbed his elbow into her side did she noticed that it was her making the noise.

"What did you hear?" He whispered.

"A ....A footstep." The low growl started again as she was still peering into the trees. She couldn't help making the noise, even the hair on the back of her neck started to bristle. There was an odd smell, too. This wasn't someone she, nor... Jack had known well, or liked to much.

A figure shuffled out of the tree line, he was clutching a hatchet, holding it out, ready to throw it at (Y/N) if she were to attack. He was wearing goggles, mouth guard, blue and grey hoodie, and was twitching and ticking left and right.

(Y/N) stopped growling, but her hands balled into fists.

"S-so it was Ja-Jack?" The young man asked. "I-Isn't that jus-just peachy..." He scowled.

Toby Rodgers. He worked with Tim and Brian. Took second in command from Tim. Not the best past. Is skilled with his hatchets. Formidable Killer.

"Yes, it was jack. Now can you leave so we can do our job?" Tim barked. "Right Brian?"

"He was told to help too, Tim, we cant block him out. Remember last time you...." Brian drifted off, like he was remembering himself. He cringed, rubbing his back.

"D-D-Don't want th-that Incident to h-happen again, no-now do we?"

Tim just started walking forward, cussing to himself. Brian and Toby followed suit, and (Y/N) walked behind them, teeth showing under the mask.

Toby looked back. "S-Shouldn't w-we keep it res-restrained?"

"Why?" Brian asked quizzically. "She doesn't even know how to use the toilet, let alone go on a killing spree."

"D-Do you kno-know when the-the last time it a-a-ate?" Toby shuddered out. "J-Jack mig-might h-ave skipped a mea-meal."

Brian looked down, thinking. "I don't think he ate the last day I saw him. He just went to bed..."

(Y/N)'s stomach growled as if on cue. It was loud, and she looked down, kinda shocked from the boom of thunder from Jacks body when he was hungry.

"Do-Does it k-know?"

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