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Chapter Twelve, "YES DRILL SERGEANT!"

"I've never told anyone my story before." D.J mumbled as he looked down while rubbing his fingers together. "Feels weird getting it off my chest." The others gave out soft laughs before turning there attention towards Chris. The male paused and rose an eyebrow in confusion.

"What? Why are you all looking at me like that?" The three looked at him more intently causing him to frown and look away. "Well would you look at the time, I should start working on dinner." He went to get up but paused as the three crossed there arms and glared.

"Ugh, fine. But it's a pretty boring story."


A fifteen year old Chris McLean watched in dazed silence as he watched his parents graves get lowered into the ground.

What happened you may be asking? His parents got into a car crash on their way to his baseball game. The driver that hit them was a drunkard who didn't see the red light.

What made this whole situation worse was he had no one, no uncles no aunts, no older siblings or grandparents. No one could take him in, no one attended the funeral. No one.

A few days later he was evicted from his house from all of the unpaid bills his parents didn't complete. He had to sell all of his and his parents stuff to get by. Blankets pillows silverware trophies EVERYTHING. All he had left was the keys to his fathers black RV which he used to travel around and sleep in.

One day while he sat in the back of a diner, he had noticed his car getting broken into. He quickly ran out side and without a second thought, without holding back he had beat the guy up to the point of no recognition.

A soft clap was heard behind him snapping him out of his trance having him pause and look down at his hands that were covered in blood. His body didn't shake, he had no fear, just the feeling of enjoyment coursing through his veins.

The person who watched from behind spoke to him and handed him a flier to join the national army. And that's what he did. He found enjoyment in killing and hurting people and he did it so effortlessly that he was placed on the suicide watch team.

His captain Maddy Blake, the person that handed him the flier also enjoyed hurting people. She would go around America, recruiting the worst of the worst and having them join her crew for missions no one else wanted to take.

Chris couldn't help but feel captivated by her, especially her eyes. They seemed so uncaring and far gone as she did her job that it just made him fall, hard. It got to a point where it was keeping him from killing people, he would occasionally day dream about her which made some of his kills get away.

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