What If.

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It's 1 in the morning. I should be asleep but I can't seem to find that relaxation and calmness needed to do so. I lay in bed thinking about my past and all the messed up things I have done.
What if I had never treated certain people that way?
What if I didn't do the opposite of what my mom asked of me?
Would life be different or would it be the same old shit show it is now?
...Mind my language...
I have alot of secrets. Many that I wish to tell so dearly but if I tell them, there's no say in what the outcome might be.
What if I get kicked out of my home?
What if I lose all my friends?
What if I wind up dead?
Sadly. All these what if's can't be answered.
So why ask them?
Time killer?
Makes no sense at all.
WHAT IF... you're wasting your time???
Wait... That's not a what if... It's a statement.

- Jai

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