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By May in the year of our Lord 1557 Mary had begun to frequent court less and less, allowing her advisors to take control over smaller matters and the day-to-day running of kingdom.

Meanwhile, she reportedly believed herself to be pregnant once again, which excited the entire court. Apart from those who truly wished her devil's spawn would never rule. Although we all took the news with a pinch of salt and it was quickly found to be another false pregnancy.

This refuelled rumours of whether Mary was in the right state of mind to rule.

I had watched as many doubted her ability to rule since the beginning of her reign and subsequently paid the highest price. So now, even though people may not have believed she was still sane, no one was willing to state their thoughts in the open.

Each time I saw Mary at court she appeared weaker and more sickly. Whilst usually a pale and thin woman, Mary now appeared to be a ghost with skin the colour of parchment which was practically see through, and almost every bone in her body was clearly defined. Many among the court commented that her appearance was that of a woman some ten years her elder.

It was known amongst the court that our Queen had been diagnosed with insomnia and melancholia. After England's loss at Calais in January it was not seen as a surprise that this would effect the Queen's mentality, however it was also seen as evidence that the Queen was unsuited to rule.

Yet after a failed rebellion the year prior, I believed the entire country was resigned to the fact they would just have to wait until the tyrant was dead. 

As time passed Mary's condition worsened and like her brother before her it became clear to the court, myself included, that there was less and less chance of recovery.

While some started to rejoice in the idea they would be free of oppression from a tyrannical ruler, others around her who supported and loved her, looked tired and hopeless. Even though the court was divided by opinions surrounding the Queen's ailment everyone was fully aware that news of her sickness should not leave Hampton Court in order to maintain peace throughout the kingdom.

Although I personally despised Queen Mary's rule, towards the end I admit I felt a small amount of pity for her.

I could now see she was  a woman who had suffered her whole life with differing ailments and was surrounded by those who wished to pressure her into ruling in their favour.

While I could never bring myself to forgive her for her despicable actions nor could I forget what she had done to maintain her power, like killing my cousin Jane; but she started to look tired. Tired of fighting. Tired of being lied to. Tired of the immense pressure she faced as a female ruler. Tired of ruling in itself. For that reason, and that reason alone, I admit I deep down pitied her.

In August Mary was said to have had a low fever and dropsy,  so was moved from Hampton Court to St James Palace and in her absence had her advisors made decisions for her.

We heard the occasional report from a servant or physician that by September our Queen's state had further declined and in October it was clear she was near the end as she went through stages of giving in to her continuous fever. Although, at times Mary was still level minded and still able to conduct meetings with her privy council, concerning matters of  state.

In late October, the court received news that King Phillip had sent his personal physician and that there had been some relief in her condition.

However in early November, Mary had clearly known she would die as she had  named Elizabeth as heir to her throne, and England was grateful to once again have stability in the knowledge of the nation's future.

As the month passed on many nobles and officials of the court abandoned Hampton Court in order to go to Elizabeth's place of residence. For them this meant that they could gain her favour for when she would come to rule.

I had debated with myself whether I should go with them.

Whether I should try to gain Elizabeth's favour immediately or allow her to slowly bond with me and actually trust me, unlike those who had been so quick to abandon their post when the tides changed. I finally decided I would remain at court, so in time Elizabeth would come to see how loyal I could be even when faced with an easier path.

It was said that Mary had attended mass in the early morning, probably realising her end was neigh.

On November 17th 1558 in  the wee hours of the morn Bloody Queen Mary was no more, and the nation rejoiced.

 In the end, Mary was found to have been suffering from either a female disease or influenza, which at the time was spread throughout England. Although her friends and supporters mourned her death, the majority of the country celebrated the death of a bloody tyrant.

There were bonfires and feasts and people dancing up and down the country, all toasting to the end of an era of terror.

The streets were alive with people almost glowing with joy after years of suffering her reign they were free to practice the religion of their choice, as Elizabeth had previously been found to be tolerant of Catholics, even though she was Anglican herself. They were free to speak ill of the Queen they had hated and so they did without fear of being punished. The people danced  and  laughed and their children played. All happy to just be alive in that very moment, as they all looked towards the future instead of focusing on the past.

This sparked the beginning of a new age, full of hope for the young Elizabeth. 

While many still doubted her lineage, right to the throne and were adverse to the idea of another Queen, they still were thankful for the death of her sister. England awaited the coronation of a new ruler. Silently praying she would be nothing like her heartless sister.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2019 ⏰

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