Chapter 8: Blame The Child *Finale*

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I wanted to scream. I felt the scream building up within me. It wanted to escape from my throat now. I sat just waiting. Waiting for a doctor to come and fucking take care of me. "You doing okay?" They would ask me.... Yeah, I'm fine except for the fact that I'm in so much fucking pain. Maybe Etho was right.... Maybe I am what he called me. Yet again I don't think I am? How I'm I sure of this though. "Ummm.... Miss Chase?" A nurse called my name. "Yup, right here." I said trying my best to steady myself. "Do you want me to help you?" I knew I couldn't do this by myself. I may be the most independent woman I know, but this.... I can't face. I mouthed to Blame "Please?" And he did what he asked me. "Relation?" He asked looking at Blame. "He's the father..." I said so monotone. "Okay... Well follow me." I then began through I series of hallways until we reached a room. "Just bring her in here and I'll have the doctors in as soon as possible." The nurse walked away leaving me to a bare white room with a table. Blame helped me onto this table. "Hey, you can calm down, okay? Whatever is going to happen, you'll be fine." He said grabbing my hand. "I'm scared though... I don't know what's happening and it's a life that's in my hands..." I said feeling the tears prick at my eyes. "Just think of something else besides the baby, besides the fact that child might be coming tonight." I try not to think about it but contractions.... Let's just say, they fucking hurt. "Hello, I'm Doctor Withers. So, tell me, Miss Chase, how far apart are the contractions currently?" My mind was clouded and it took me a second to respond. "Maybe a minute or two apart?" I said through gritted teeth trying to withhold the scream building inside me. "And if I understand this correctly, you only just reached the eight month mark?" I nodded my head. "Well, it could be possible that the baby could come this early, but I think you should go home." I now tightened my face. Not only was the pain unbearable but they told me to go home... Clearly I'm no doctor but to send me home in this kind of pain? "Isn't there anything you can do?" I said through gritted teeth. "I'm afraid contractions are a normal thing and we have no way of stopping them or making them less painful. We can only do something if your water breaks, but that hasn't happen." I then tried to push myself off the table and as I did I swear I felt a wet sort of feeling on my leg. "Well shit...." Blame mumbled. "Now we can do something.... Here get her in the wheel chair and follow me." The doctor said pushing some small red button. Blame helped me from the table and into the wheel chair. As we were going he asked me, "Do you want me there?" I was in so much pain his question seemed like a minority at that point. "Well, I'm going to need some fucking support!" I hissed through my teeth. Honestly, I wasn't trying to seem cruel towards him, but I'm in so much pain and also trying to keep a baby in for just a little bit longer. As we continue I swear I start to see things. I see my mother and my father. My dad is holding my hand as I cling to my teddy bear. I shake my head and that image is gone, but there is more.


I stood in the hallways of the hospital clinging to the one object giving me comfort right now, my teddy. I heard the screams of peril coming from the room across from me. I laid in the big plush chair and began to cry. I knew my mother was in there and that she was dying or something. After an hour, my father comes out without a new born child in his hands or without my mother. I sit up and look at his face. The features tell me something went wrong, but I'm just a child and I don't know. "Come on, Jordan. Let's go home." My dad picks me up as if I'm a feather and carries me out of the hospital.

Days Later

We attend a funeral. I've never been to a funeral. I see two boxes and a room of people crying. One of these boxes are very small. I couldn't fit in it. If I could I would want to make one of those little box houses. The other was far to large for me. It looks like it would fit my father.

Years Later

I learned just recently what those boxes were and why they were put in the ground. Those boxes contained my mother and brother. They weren't called boxes, they were coffins a place to lie the dead and decaying. I'm thirteen now and I've lived most of these thirteen years without a mother or brother. The reason why I'm just finding all this out is because my father is gone too. Not in the way of death, but in the way of drugs, alcohol, violence, and abuse. He's been imprisoned by our government because he needs "help". Locking him away from the only family he has left won't help him and it sure won't help me. Now I'm an orphan and my fate lies in complete strangers hands. This isn't what my life was suppose to be. My mother would have never allowed this for her baby girl. If only she could do this now.

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