Life of a Karman - Confined

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Next week I'm going on vacation :D A week from today (Tuesday). I plan on still updating stories, but I'm not sure. So don't blame me if I don't! <3

Just because I feel like it, whoever puts a character name (First and last) & a character trait in the comments will be in a chapter (probably the next one). It'll likely be a reoccuring character. :3 Go ahead and give me ideas.  If I use your character name & trait, I'll dedicate a chapter to you, probably the one your character was in. I might use more than one character, hopefully I'll use them all! This will be valid until chapter seventeen is posted :3 I might do it again later, if it's successful.

Song: Punching in a Dream by The Naked and Famous

Be sure to Fan, Vote & Comments. Comments make me want to write faster!! :D

~Lots of Love, Chem.


Chapter Sixteen: 

I grimaced lightly and crossed my arms. I stared at the ceiling of my room, waiting. Waiting for anything.

As soon as I got back home with Alan, my mom wasn't happy. In fact, she freaked out.

I rolled onto my side, remembering what she had done.


"Vanessa!"My mom crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow. I could feel the daggers stabbing into my shoulder from her eyes."Where were you..." She hissed through her clenched teeth.

"I was out." I simply said.

I glanced over at Alan and frowned lightly. He was pressed up against the front door. I think if he had the option, he would run back out the front door. I'm almost positive he would do it too, if it wasn't for the fact that my mother would kick him out of the house.

"Where." She hissed.

My god, she can't just give me a break?

"I went to jail."

My mother's eyes widened and her jaw dropped lightly. Alan stiffened more and pressed his head back against the door. He closed his eyes and moaned lightly in frustration.

I forgot that he was also in this with me... I shouldn't be so risky.

"Go to your room!"

"Ms. Willow-" Alan spoke.

"Both of you." My mom cut him off.


I pressed my hands against my eyes and groaned.  I curled into a ball and rolled onto my side.

The pressure against my eyes was strange. I continued to add pressure until someone cleared their throat.

"Do you want to go blind?" Steph asked from my door.

"Yes..." I moaned from my bed.

"Your eye's did nothing." Steph laughed softly and walked over next to me. I felt the bed dip as she sat down, but I stayed still. She wrapped her hands around my wrists and pulled them away from my eyes. "What happened?"

"I took the car out with Alan." I shrugged lightly, "And I didn't tell anyone."

"What car?"

"Your car."

Steph gasped. "My baby!"

I laughed softly and smiled, "Your baby is fine."


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