Chapter 3.

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— One Week Later —

Mason C.: Hey, do you see something?

The person in front of Mason bit his lip, as if realizing he had done something criminal. Mason caught on as to why, surprisingly, and spoke up.

Mason C.: A ghost?

The man nodded slowly.

Norman B.: It, runs in my family. "Great timing on leaving, Coraline."

Mason hummed.

Mason C.: I've seen ghosts before. But the last time was a while ago. I remember once where they used to be a couple running a shop, and they banned teens I think? And at one point they got surprised by how vulgar/violent some of the music the teens played was, had double heart attacks or something? I dunno, it happened when I was twelve. You might be able to ask my friend for more details.

Norman B.: Oh, okay. Glad I'm not the only one. But,

The man paused.

Norman B.: Dipper, do I look familiar to you?

Mason looked closer at him, familiarity and happiness at seeing him bubbling to the surface.

Maybe it was the fact that the man knew his nickname.

Maybe it was the voice as he said the nickname.

Maybe it was both.

Mason nodded, but his confusion was visible.

Mason C.: Yes...? I don't know why, though.

Just as he said that, an image resurfaced, a frame from much earlier, six years ago? He couldn't tell exactly, Only that he was much younger. Along with the man. Who, in the image, clutched his red stained arm tightly, his face contorted in pain with tears running down his face. Whether they came from pain, or despair, he couldn't tell.

However, another image resurfaced, covering the previous before Mason could fully decipher it. One of a woman with a sharp voice and short, deep red hair that curled back towards her chin in a unified manner. From that, a name.

Hollis Forsythe.

Just like that, with what seemed like the flash of a camera, all three were gone. Mason was back to square one in his confusion. However, the name remained. Who was this Forsythe person?

The end of the conversation was awkward, especially as Mason knew that something was off.

Mason C.: "The name sounds familiar. But where have I heard it? Why do I recognize the name? Why can't I remember?"

Mason sighed and shook his head.

Mason C.: "Whatever, I can think more about it after work... Maybe I can bring it up with Bill, he's usually more aware of how everything is going locally. Maybe Lili and Raz know something."

Mason hoped that was the case. The last time he saw them was at their wedding one year prior. He made his way to work, where he was immediately directed to a task.

After over eleven hours, Mason's back was beyond sore, and he was scared his injury would become worse. But he couldn't complain, things could have been worse for him. Especially since there was a piece of cargo that nearly fell on him an hour into his shift.

His boss pulled him aside after work, however, and handed him an envelope.

[Mason's Boss]: You didn't seem to have an email address, so it looks like this person decided to send it here instead. It seems like it might be important. Also, we got the letter from the doctor. We'll get your things home for you because of your surgery. I'm sorry that accident caused what it did.

Don't Know Where, Don't Know When [Gravity Falls/Mystery Kids FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now