iv. Escape

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' Nicknames make you feel loved, they make you feel less alone in the world. '

T H E   K Y L N , 2 0 1 4 .  

Cassidy layed on the roll out bed beside Groot and Rocket, the former having taken a chair and attached a series of his vines to the wall behind him to stay upright as he slept.

Rocket and Cassidy on the other hand were both awake, Cassidy more so than Rocket as the raccoon continued to jolt awake every so often when he'd fall asleep.

He woke up fully though when Cassidy whacked him in the stomach, silencing him with a look as she nodded towards Quill who was leaving the room to follow after Gamora and a bunch of space thugs.

"Quill, what are you doing?" Rocket quietly asked, receiving no reply "Quill." He hissed worriedly as Quill dissapeared around the corner.

"Come on." Cassidy sighed as she jumped up and began making her way out, glancing back once more at a sleeping Groot and smirking as she turned to Rocket "100 Units says he wakes up after something happens." 

"Your on." Rocket yawned, his ear twitching as he shook out his messy fur.

"Quill." Cassidy hissed as they caught up to the large Terran "Are you outta your freaking -- " 

" -- Your Drax the destroyer." They heard a voice meekly answer as they rounded a corner and kept to the walls.

"Do you know why they call me this?" Who Cassidy was assuming was 'Drax', questioned.

"You slayed dozens of Ronan's minions." The grey skinned man whimpered as he kept his head ducked, not daring to look at Drax.

"Ronan murdered my wife, Ovete." Drax told them, not taking his eyes off of Gamora "Then my daughter Cameria. He slaughtered them where they stood," He glowered at Gamora before turning slowly to the other men "And he laughed!" He shouted causing them all to flinch.

Cassidy felt Rocket grip her pant leg slightly, the both of them thinking about what it would be like to loose those they cared about. Even though it was very few.

"Her life, is not yours to take." Drax whispered menacingly to the thugs "He killed my family, I shall kill one of his in return." He told them, looking back at Gamora again.

"Of course Drax," One of the men snivelled "Your right." He told him, passing Drax a knife causing Gamora tensed up.

Jumping into action Gamora span around, grabbing one of the lackeys knifes and stabbing it into another one of the men before punching the other in the face. 

Her movements were surprisingly fluid and effortless and she continued to take them out until she held the grey skinned man and Drax at knife point.

"Quill what are you doing?" Rocket hissed as Quill began to move closer.

"I'm no family to Ronan or Thanos," Gamora hissed at both of her attackers before she slowly removed the knifes from their throats, dropping them to the ground "I'm your only hope at stopping him."

Drax roared as he wrapped his fist around Gamora's neck, slamming her into the wall behind her as he held a knife up to her "Women, your word mean nothing to me." He ground out.

"Hey! Hey hey hey hey, you know if killing Ronan is truly your soul purpose I don't think this is the best way to go about it." Quill warned as Rocket and Cassidy simultaneously ran a hand down their faces. 

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