Pansmione- goodbye kiss

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    Hermione felt tears prickle the corner of her eyes as she stared at Pansy's, sad and pleading face. "A-are you sure you have to d-d-do this?" Pansy asked as tears streamed freely down her cheeks, "i-is there no, no o-other wa-wa-way?"

    Gently Hermione brought up her hand and wiped Pansy's tears away with her thumb. She knew that the action would just cause them more pain but she couldn't bear the thought of her love crying.  "I'm sorry love, I don't want to do this, but there's no other way," Hermione explained, she felt a tear of her own slid slowly down her cheek. It just wasn't fair, why couldn't she have anything good in her life?

     Pansy sniffled, "I- I know but I still don't want to do it." She wrapped her hand around Hermione's wrist, not wanting her to move her hand from her cheek just yet, she just wanted to savour the moment. Neither of them knew when or if they'll ever get another.

      "I know, but it's the only way. I want to keep you safe. This is the only way that I can ensure it." Hermione tried to reason, her voice was weak and cracked as she tried not to cry. "It would be too dangerous. If Voldemort found out... He'd kill us both. He'd label you a traitor because you're in love with a muggle-born." By the end of that statement, Hermione was crying just as much as Pansy.

     "I promise, as soon as he's dead I'll come to you and undo the spell," Hermione reassured.

      Pansy gulped and nodded, "I -I understand, please get it over with please." Pansy sobbed out as she threw herself around Hermione and gave her what could possibly their final kiss, "good-bye, I love you." Pansy said as she wiped away her tears and stood strong in front of Hermione.

       Hermione held back a sob, "I love you too," she replied before she held up her wand with a shaky hand and pointed it at Pansy, "Obliviate."

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