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What's the Plan


I went to the desk. "Eleni Winters."

"Your date of birth?"

"December twenty-first, 1999."

"Any birthmarks, defects? Natural delivery?"

Yeah, one giant defect, I wanted to say. Instead I said,

"None. And I don't know about the others."

He tapped the keyboard a few more times and then stood aside. "There it is Winter baby. Female. Father unlisted."

I scanned the monitor, already in denial. It couldn't be. He Had to be listed. But as I searched, there was nothing of use in the report, nothing I didn't already know. "Nothing."

Jack leaned down and selected the billing tab. "Lets see who paid the bill. It'll have insurance info and who else was on the card, if any."

Okay, I should've thought of that, and having been giving a second, I probably would have. The billing info loaded onto the screen. Insurance info. No one on the card except for Eleni. But the co-pay: "Josephine Frost. Who the hell is that/"

Jack straightened. His jaw tightened and his expression went grim. He dragged his fingers through his hair and fixed me with a seriously pissed off look. "Josephine Frost is my grandmother."

The women started to move in their chairs, coming out of whatever trance Jack put them in. He clicked back to the main screen, grabbed my arm, and propelled me out the door.

"C'mon, we'll talk on the way."

I was still trying to recover from the shock of what he'd said, and here he was shoving towards the door before I could get my bearings. "Wait, hold on, on the way where?" We were through the door and out into the hallway. I jerked my arm from him, "What and the actual Fuck, Jack! What the hell is going on?"

I knew I was being too loud, but at that point I didn't give a shit who heard me. Jack ushered me into the nearest room.

The morgue.

I stepped back from the door. "Well?"

"The Novem is made up of nine families-"

"Yeah, look, I don't need a history all right? I know about the nine families. Everyone does."

Jack shook his head, annoyance flashing in his blue eyes. "Outsiders think they know everything. Josephine, my grandmother, is the head of the Frost family. The Frost family is one of the nine families who bought Burgess thirteen years ago."

A short laugh burst through my mouth. But he wasn't laughing. He was deadly serious. Your family owns part of New 2. I paced in a small circle, giving another disbelieving laugh. "And your granny knew my mother and paid her doctor bills. This is unbelievable." I turned my back on him and placed my hands on my hips. Anger coursed through my veins as my eyes slowly took in the sterile room- the exam table, the two carts with two bodies under blue cotton tarps set against a wall of small square doors that probably held more bodies....

Seriously unbelievable. I spun back round, forcing myself to remain there. Putting your back to two dead bodies was definitely not something that felt anywhere near comforting,

I shook my head and cursed softly, not understanding any of it. My mother's warning, the attack, the disappearing dead guy. The curse that now apparently extended to me, and now this- a head of the Novem actually paying my mother's medical bills.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2019 ⏰

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