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"Tony?" Steve poked his head into the lab. Tony was sitting at his desk scribbling away at something on the tabletop interface, sitting with his knees tucked up to his chest. He looked bored, chin propped in his hand. Steve regretted the interruption instantly—that was Tony's expression of pure concentration. It made him wonder what he was working on. "Tony," he said again. "Tony."

Tony startled, a foot slipping down, looking up. "Yes, my good patriotic man?"

"Remember the girl from the studio a few days ago?" Steve asked.

Tony's face lit up. "The girl who kicked the living shit out of you?"

"She did not—" Steve sighed, realizing the futility of arguing. "Yeah, her. She has something she needs to talk to you about."

"Appointment," Tony said brazenly. "Talk to Pepper."

"No—no, this is something you want to hear." Steve fixed his gaze on him. "Seriously."

Confusion wrinkled Tony's features. "Oh . . . kay. Send her in."

Steve nodded and exited, retracing his steps to one of the many sitting rooms in the facility, where Marley and Beck waited. Beck sat ramrod straight, tense and alert; in contrast, Marley sprawled across the length of the couch, the picture of relaxation, feet in Beck's lap.

"Marley?" Steve said, and she looked up, slow and casual. Steve saw right through it—she was terrified. He offered an encouraging smile. "You're up."

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