Chapter Thirty-Two

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"This mac and cheese seriously is good," Peter said. "I wouldn't have been that surprised if when I came in here you actually were crying over how good it was."

Marley nodded, shoveling a heaping spoonful of mac into her mouth. Even cold from sitting out for so long, it was ten times better than any mac and cheese she'd ever had. "Rhodey is a great cook."

Peter shot her a disgusted look, still puffy-eyed from crying. "I have no idea what you just said but I'm going to pretend I did so I don't have to hear you try and talk through a mouthful of food again."

Marley chewed and swallowed. "Uh-huh, I'm sure you're Mr. Manners all the time. What I said is that Rhodey is a great cook."

"Oh! Duh," he said. "Even cold, this stuff is great."

"I was literally just thinking that."

Peter smiled at her. She looked away before she started crying again. They ate in silence for a while, Peter getting up to get them each a second helping. The mac was a little warmer this time around, which only improved the taste.

"Peter," Marley said, "the thing where I rub my wrists—is that a new thing?"

It was like a cloud had passed in front of the sun. Peter's face darkened, and his eyes welled with tears again, though he blinked them away almost immediately. "I noticed it back in November. I figured it would go away, but it's only gotten worse. Have you noticed that you're doing it?"

She shook her head. "I had no idea until you told me just now."

"Oh." He stared at his mac and cheese like he wasn't too keen on eating it anymore. Guilt surged up in Marley. First she got him stabbed, and now he was losing his appetite due to worry over her. She knew Peter. It took a lot to get him too emotional to eat.

"Seriously," he half-shouted, smacking her hand away from her wrist.

"I'm sorry! I don't realize I'm doing it!" Marley lifted her hands in a placating manner.

He opened his mouth to answer and Tony said from the doorway, "Am I interrupting something?"

"Your daughter being a massive idiot," Peter said, at the same time Marley said, "Your apprentice being a smotherly hen?"

"I'm not a massive idiot if I don't realize I'm doing it," Marley protested.

"Did you just call me a smother?" Peter stared at her. "Did you just call me his apprentice?!"

"Yes to both," she said, "because they're true."

"I—I'm not his apprentice," Peter stammered.

"Yes you are," Marley said, "he's—"


They both looked back to Tony.

"Yeah. Hi. Still here," he said. "Marley, I need you for a second."

"Okey doke." Marley stood up, bringing her bowl with her. "C'mon, loser."

Peter looked up at her. "Just you, Marley."

"Dad, Peter can come, right?" Marley looked at her father. Please say yes please say yes I need all the emotional support I can get right now

Tony made a face.

"He's already neck-deep in this shitshow," Marley said, "how much worse can it get?"

"He could be charged with being complicit in evading murder charges and obstruction of justice," Tony said reasonably.

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