Chapter 10

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"What." Arthur's eyes widen.
"Why does that matter." Mathias asked.
"That's where-" Arthur's voice cracked, and he paused to cough.
"That's where my friend was... k-killed." He shuddered as long forgotten tears threaten to spill.
"So the legend is true then." Mathias whispered.
"I'm so sorry." Yao said.
"No... it's uh... it's fine." Arthur smiled.
"It's all in the past anyway."
Trying to reassure them that he was okay he said he was going to get the horses ready. Although they didn't seem convinced.
"I'm going to go talk to him," Alfred said.
The others nodded.
Meanwhile, Arthur was sitting on the top floor of the stables, he looked out to the field as hay surrounded him. Arthur let tears fall down his freckled cheeks as he rested his head on his knees. Arms wrapped around his legs. "What happened to you... you're acting like a ditched moon festival date." Soon footsteps echoed off of the wooden walls the stable had.
"Arthur ya in here?" A man's voice called. Arthur recognized the voice as being King Alfred. Arthur remained silent. As he heard Alfred shuffle around and opening the horse's gates. He then heard footsteps fade away, and decided to check if he was gone.
He looked over the handles and saw no sign of him. He sighed and when he turned around there stood Alfred.
Arthur yelped walking backward to the handles almost falling, but Alfred caught his hand.
"Whoa... be careful there Arty."
"My names, not Arty it's Arthur, and how did you get up here?" Arthur's eyes narrowed.
"Well I was calling your name...pretty loudly if you ask me." He shrugged.
"No kidding, if you would've continued I would have had a bloody headache." Arthur rolled his eyes.
"So you did hear me then," Alfred smirked.
"So what if I heard you... I ignored it and you scared almost to my death." Arthur pointed to where he almost fell off. Through there talk they didn't let go of each other's hands. Until Alfred started rubbing Arthur's hand and was about to speak when he abruptly pulled his hand away. Alfred looked at him as Arthur blushed and after a few seconds sighed.
"What do you want." He asked finally.
"I need to know if you're okay," Alfred said in a more caring tone.
"I'm fine don't worry about me." Arthur crossed his arms. His body tensed. Alfred pushed up his glasses and he lowered his eyebrows.
"Arthur, you haven't even eaten or drank anything," Alfred said. Arthur's body got tenser.
"You've been a statue for well over 1000 years and you have not eaten any food nor drunk any water." Arthur looked away from the man in front of him.
"You find out that the Queen who is the key to getting that clock is buried in the place you were traumatized as a child." His teeth clenched.
"But you have to go there."
"And I can see that you've been crying, Arthur." Alfred looked generally worried for him. Arthur was stunned. He looked up staring into the Kings eyes.
"The people who you called Family, your people who you loved have died and you could nothing about it."
Arthur felt tears reach his eyes.
"You're not fine Arthur," Alfred said. Arthur's fist clinched.
"Shut up," Arthur mumbled.
"What?" Alfred asked.
"I said Shut up!" Arthur yelled.
Making Alfred jump and step back.
"You don't know how I feel!" Arthur had tears threateningly fall down his cheeks.
"I don't even know you!" He started to walk towards Alfred, and the latter kept walking backwards.
"AND YOU THINK YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL, WHAT I'VE BEEN THROUGH, WHAT IT IS LIKE TO LOSE EVERYTHING YOU LOVED AND CHERISHED!" Arthur had shoulders started to shake as he slumped to the floor. Alfred stopped walking and stood there blanked face.
"You don't know me at all... whatever stories you've read, whatever legends were told." Arthur had his hands over his eyes as those tears fell.
"Whatever words that describe me...they're all false." Red puffy eyes, red nose, red cheeks, and red lips looked up at Alfred. He stood up and made eye contact at Alfred's stunned orbs.
"You can't say you know me if all you've ever heard is what other people say." Arthur rubbed his eyes.
"I'm going to go wash up, get the stallions ready." Arthur climbed down the ladder of the stable and left for the water hose. Alfred stood there unable to move. When he finally did he was walking with 2 horses to the front doors for the castle.

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