Prologue (Lapus)

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It was an average day at the Garrison High School. Nothing really happened at that school. Maybe the causal fight or two, but nothing to bad. No real bullies or anything. All the kids wanted to go to that school. Especially Lance McClain, otherwise known as the flirtatious "Sharpshooter."

Now Lance was an easy-going guy, getting along with almost anyone. He wasn't really "popular" -but he definitely thought he was haha- but he sure left an impact on school grounds. How you may ask? Well, this chapter is kinda dedicated to happened, so just wait a second.

During the school day, Lance would hang out amongst his friends. Those being, Shiro, Coran and Allura. Those were really his only friends, and being a senior, he was kinda about to lose them, due to graduating. I'm not saying you can't have friends when you graduate just- ugh nevermind.

The four friends were always together, arm and arm. They also had some....interesting relationships. Shiro, for the longest time, kept crushing on Adam, who was a grade below them. Allura always fell for Lotors weird shenanigans, even if he's the top bully of the school. Lance on the other hand, had a massive crush on Allura.

Being the "Sharpshooter" and all, he'd always throw flirts left and right at her. All of them, ending horribly. Either getting a laugh of confusion -Allura being a transfer- or a quick slap on the cheek. Lets just say, Lance was losing this battle.

But that was not the end of Mr.Sharpshooter. Oh no, he had to go the extra mile. And i'm about to tell you :)


"You're so pretty~" Lance cooed, leaning against the wall beside Allura, "You must be outta-this-world." (She is yah fucking idiot) Allura gave a nervous chuckle and raised an eyebrow.

"Are you doing more of your weird Cuban language?" Allura asked her friend, getting a scoff in return.

Lance crossed his arms, "No, it's called flirting. It's a worldwide thing." Allura gave another nervous laugh as she closed her locker, holding her books close to her chest. She soon started walking away, leaving Lance at her locker. "Wait Princess!" He called out, chasing after the transfer, "You can't just leave your knight and shining armour!"

Allura turned her head, giving a smug smile, "Sure I can." She grinned, bolting down the hall, weaving her way through the crowd.

"Playing hard to get, ey?" Lance laughed, quickly following his friend. He skidded to a halt when he reached his destination. The Science room. Shiro and Coran were already there, chatting amongst themselves as Allura walked over to them. She looked at Lance sticking her tounge out as the bell rang for class to start.


"ATTENTION STUDENTS!" Everyone froze in their seats, looking over at the speaker, "THERE IS AN ACTIVE SHOOTER! PLEASE HEAD FOR COVER!" Many shots could be heard, sending the entire class on panic mode.

The teacher tried to calm them down, helping the few students who weren't panicked barricade the door.

The barricade didn't do much as a bullet shot through the window, shattering it in the process. Shiro maned up, helping the other students hide. Coran threw scissors at the shooter, making it hard for them to shoot. Lance also started to attack, right before looking at Allura. "Allura! Move! Do something!"

Allura just stood there, shivering in fear as the shooter looked over at her. He grinned aiming his pistol at her head. "Allura! Get out of the way!" Allura screamed, covering her head for impact.


Allura heard the loud noise of the gun, but was still standing there. She looked up from her hands and her eyes teared up. Lance was there, in front of her. He winced as he coughed up blood. "Lance! Why did you do that!!" She cried, holding him from falling.

"Because I love you, Princess." He smiled weakly, "have a good life." He said before lunging at the attacker with what energy he had left. He knocked them over, dying on top in the process. The wind was knocked out of the shooter, as he laid there unconscious.


To this day, Lance's legacy lives amongst all who were there, and will live on for future generations.

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