Chapter IV

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Team Tenrou still hasn't returned... "Laki! Another beer please," I shout. "Right away!" She replies. While I'm talking with Wakaba, the guild hall's doors open. Twilight Ogre's back already? "We don't have the money- wait, who are you?" There is a young girl standing in the doorway of the guild hall. What does she want?
"I am Y/n L/n. Is this the Fairy Tail guild?" She asks.
"Yes, I'm the guild's current master, Macao. What is your business here?" I ask.
"I am looking to join this guild. I'm a water dragon slayer, trained by Aquaria, the water dragon," she explains. Another dragon slayer?


Hopefully they will let me join. Training here will be a great opportunity to increase my magic power. Then I can find Aquaria!
"Why would you want to join Fairy Tail?" The master asks. "Haven't you heard? All of our strongest members are missing. We're the weakest guild in Fiore now," he explains.
"But they're going to come back, I know it!" A boy shouts. He looks around my age. "I'm Romeo," the boy says.
" I'm Y/n. So, Master Macao, may I join Fairy Tail?" I ask politely.
"I suppose. Laki! Get the stamp!" He shouts to the lady behind the bar counter. Yes! I'm going to be in a guild! "Where do you want your stamp? Oh, and what color?" The lady, Laki I think it was, asks me kindly.
"F/c and on my b/p please," I tell her. She presses the stamp on my skin and there are some cheers.
"Welcome to Fairy Tail, Y/n!" They all cheer. This is my family now. They can help me to be strong.
"So Y/n, where are you from?" Romeo asks.
"Well, its a long story..." I start.
"Go on, Y/n! We've got the time," The master says.
"Well, I'm not from here at all. I'm from a village called Lilac Town. One day, a dark mage called Zyko attacked us. I was the only mage in the village, I was their protector. I battled with him, but he was too strong. He defeated me and set fire to my village. Apparently, a man named Jaro found me unconscious and took me to his guild, where their healer tended to my wounds." I explained. "No matter what they tried, I wouldn't wake up. The only way I could survive was through an enchantment called crystal enclosure." They all looked confused. "What's that?" Romeo asked. "I'm not really sure, but form what I can read in this spell book, it preserves a life force inside of a crystal. It can last from anywhere between ten to one hundred years. In my case, it lasted for one hundred years," I say sadly. "All this time, I've been asleep. Now that I'm awake, I'm going to train hard so I can find Aquaria." The guild just looks at me. "I'm sure you'll find her, Y/n. Before they went missing, we had four other dragon slayers, three of them were trained by dragons, one had a lacrima implanted inside of him. The three that were raised by dragons never lost hope that they would find them, and I'm sure that one day, all of you will," The master said. Just then, the doors to the guild hall burst open.
"Oi, fairies! You got our money yet?" A man shouts.
"Twilight Ogre," Macao says under his breath. "Hey, buddy. We don't have your money yet, but give us a month or so, and we'll pay you back in whole, with interest," Macao negotiates. Twilight Ogre didn't seem too happy about this. "If we don't get our money soon, we won't be happy. And mark my words, this guild will be the first to go." I ball my fists. Who do these jerks think they are?
"Hey! Who are you jerks anyway?!" I shout, causing Twilight Ogre to turn around slowly.
"Your worst nightmare," one of them replies.
"You've certainly got the looks for it," I reply sassily.
"Watch your mouth little girl, or you might get hurt!" He shouts, blasting a beam of magic towards me. Hmm... water magic? The attack brings up dust around me, but when the dust subsides, I'm standing there, unscathed.
"Water magic won't work on me," I say to them. Then, I consume all the water from his attack. "You're going down, Twilight Ogre."


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