Chapter XXVI

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Okay, if you thought I was nervous before, I'm terrified now. Max was doing really well before. Now I'm just afraid that he'll be targeted... our guild has gotten a lot of hate over the years since I've joined. I mean, I guess I kinda helped boost our reputation but there are still people like Twilight Ogre out there, so I guess it's expected that we'd have some haters.
But I won't let the haters get their way, because I'm going to come back like a boomerang.
I'm sorry.
Who am I kidding? I'm not sorry for that.
Anyway, I can't help but be nervous for Max. The effects of my pep talk are already wearing off as I see the contestants eyeing each other, clearly anxious for the game to resume. I look at Max, he seems pretty collected. I'm sure he'll do well.
Then I notice something else... Rogue. He's glaring daggers at Max right now. I mean, if looks could kill, our team would be down a member for sure. I wonder why Rogue seems so riled up? Hopefully he doesn't go too hard on Max...


A free for all now? It's like the event organizers were listening to my thoughts. I can prove to Y/n that I'm the best for her. I can show her that I'm far more powerful than Max right now in this free for all.
Actually this might not work. If I injure Max, Y/n might hate me... they're guildmates after all. And I really don't want her to hate me.
I'll beat Max, but I won't hurt him too much. As long as I win this event, I'm sure I'll catch Y/n's attention.
"Alright contestants! On your marks, get set, go!" The pumpkin announced.
I melt into my shadow form and race towards one of the higher level robots. "Shadow Dragon Roar!" I shout, taking the robot down along with a few D level ones too.
I glance towards Fairy Tail's balcony to see Y/n watching attentively. I smirk and continue running forward. I can't lose my lead. Everyone is behind me, but I can't let anyone catch up. There is a time limit on this segment of the event, so I guess I should pick up the pace a little.
I hear yelling behind me and turn my head toward the sound and see that Max guy riding a wave of sand towards me, closely followed by the Quatro Cerberus representative. I can't be bothered to learn the names of such insignificant people.
They're gaining momentum and are closing the gap between me and them. I'm not trying to lose this lead so I face forward and continue running forward.
I'm going to show you, Y/n.

-MAX'S POV- wow, probably wasn't expecting this huh!

I've gotta stay calm. I'm doing pretty well, second isn't too bad. I just need to stay focused. I know Y/n is up in the stands watching, and knowing her she's freaking out. I don't want her to worry about me, so I'm going to do my best! My main concerns right now are Rogue, of course, and Bacchus. Rogue has a lead on everyone and Bacchus is trailing not too far off behind me.
I just need to keep my pace consistent for now and then I'll use more energy towards the end to pass up Rogue! Okay, Max, stay focused!

-Y/N'S POV- yea i'm sorry i keep switching pov but here we go lol

Max kept a steady pace throughout the duration of the race, but it doesn't seem like he's going to pass Rogue. My sand boi is looking a little tired but my shadow boi is really just going. He doesn't look tired at all! I wonder how he does it.
I try my best to stay calm and cheer on Max, but then I notice Bacchus directly behind his sand wave. He does some sort of flip and pushes Max forward, causing him to fall face first into the ground. Rogue seems to hear the commotion and turns around to see Bacchus coming at him too.
"Quatro Cerberus' Bacchus is really picking up speed now! He knocks down Fairy Tail's contestant Max and is now looking to take down Rogue of Sabertooth! Will he be able to pass up one of the Twin Dragons?!" Mato exclaims.
No way... this guy couldn't pass up Rogue. Max is getting up now and running towards Bacchus, who is running towards Rogue.
Something seems off... there haven't been many robots in the past minute or two. The audience seems to have noticed too. Just then, the ground starts to shake. Max, Bacchus, Rogue and the other contestants come to a halt as they see a massive robot enter from the obstacle course.
"Woah! Where did that thing come from?!" someone exclaims.
"No idea!! Is this the S level robot?" another exclaims.
Oh god. An even bigger robot. How complex did they make this game?
"Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to introduce the S level robot! If you thought your guild was doing well, you might want to think again! This is where the scales may finally tip in favor (or not) of your favorite guild!" Mato exclaimed.
Rogue didn't seem fazed at all. He melts into his weird but also kinda dope shadow form and races towards the A level robot. He emerges from the ground and begins attacking the giant thing. He's doing a pretty good job. The only thing is that the other contestants are starting to catch up. Seeing as this robot is pretty thicc, there is no way around it, so the only way to get past it is to fight it!
It seems as though all of the guilds have come to a temporary peace to defeat their common enemy. As the robot is about to fall, everyone starts running away.
Everyone except Max.
"Max! Watch out!" I yell from the stands. He was holding off a few lower level robots from behind them and didn't notice the robot about to fall.
Come on Max, move!


Finally. That giant robot was a pain in the you-know-what. I have to move quickly if I want to regain my lead.
As the robot begins to fall, I hear Y/n yelling from the stands. I turn and see the robot falling and about hit Max. He doesn't notice of course because he's preoccupied with some lower level robots. I want to keep running forward towards the finish. I still have a lead either way.
But something holds me back.
She's desperate for someone to help him. That's practically her family right there.
What kind of person would I be if I just left him there?
So I ran towards stupid Mr Sandman. I use my shadows to grab him and pull him out of the way of the falling robot and then I keep running. I hope Y/n saw that.
I'm not doing it for him at all.
This is for her.
I morph back into my shadow form and race towards the finish line.
"And here we have it ladies and gentlemen! Our first place goes to Rogue from Sabertooth! Following him is Max, Bacchus, Risley, Hibiki, and Toby! Congratulations to all of our contestants today," Yajima said over the loudspeaker.
I look up to see Y/n. She's looking right at me.

She's smiling.

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