CH 11. my lov-

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Hajime Hinata -

Nagito wasn't here yet, and it was already 23:24. I tried calling him, he left his phone here. "Fuck..." I tried remembering where he told me he was gonna be.


"Where are you going?" I asked, tilting my head. He turned around and smiled at me. "Ah, don't worry about me... I promise I'll be back, I'm just heading to the rooftop."

"Rooftop?" He nodded. "I'll be back, don't worry."


I grabbed the card and put it in my pocket, putting my shoes on and walking upstairs. I open the door to the rooftop... 'No one...' I sighed, going back down and bumping into Nagito.

What I saw...


The anger in his eyes, the fear mixed in, the confusion splurged all over his face... the layers of darkness folding on and on them. "N-Nagito?" I reached out for him, his eyes filled with tears. He hugs me, I hold him back. "What's wrong?"

"I-I don't deserve a f-friend like you..." he cried out, choking. "L-Let's get back into the room okay?" We walked to our room, I put the key in and we got in. I lock the door as he falls onto his bed. "What's wrong?"

I asked, sitting next to him. "I-I mean, if you wanna talk..." but he didn't say anything... he inches closer to me. "Why won't you say anything?" I rubbed his hair. "What's wrong? I'm right here..."

He lifted up his head, tears falling down. "I don't deserve a-a friend l-like you H-Hajime..." my eyes widened. "Y-Your so s-sweet, and n-nice..." I touched his cheek. "A-And I-I'm just h-horrible in s-so many w-ways..." I wiped the tears off his face.

"Don't cry, your not horrible..." his eyes stare into mines, I could feel my body start to stiffen. "W-Why did y-you become m-my friend?" I smiled. "Because why wouldn't I? Your sweet, kind, nice, and sometimes have a backlash, but who doesn't... your a person Nagito."

"I'm not a-a person... I'm a-a monster..." I frown... "when we talked together, that one day you said we should talk about our lives... you never told me about your mother..." I sigh. "I feel like there's something that you've haven't been talking about it." He frowned.

"I-It's a sensitive t-topic..." I smile. "C-Can you tell me Nagito?" His eyes tear up, about to cry even more. "F-Fine..." we sat closer.

*time skip*

What seemed to be minutes were really hours. Nagito fell asleep, I held him in my arms. His eyes had dark circles, I rubbed his hair.

"Nagito... I'll be the one to fix these wounds... to help you..."

I kissed his forehead.


"I'll help you from whatever is blocking you from being free..."


"Good night..."


I held him closer...


"Good night... my lov—" I cut myself off... "I'm sorry... but good night..." ... "good night."

*. Authors note .*
You will never know what Kyoko said, or maybe in a flashback.

I'm posting a chapter every week, maybe twice a week but yeah.

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