Chapter 1

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I sat on the roof of our house looking out to renesmee,who was playing with Jacob.How could they be doing this ,how could the Volturi be coming to kill such a young,beautiful and innocent thing like my little cousin,she was born not bitten she grows every single day,no laws have been broken.why are they doing this to us,why do they hate us so,is it my fault for what happened back in Italy



I was running with Alice to save my idiot uncle who decided he wanted to kill himself,Bella had ran ahead to try to stop him,if we had of went then he would have read out thoughts,thought we were lying and rushed into doing something stupid.we were approaching the doors of the volterra castle,when we heard speaking,Alice broke the lock and walked in me following behind.we saw Edward standing protectively in front of Bella glaring at two dark figures

"come on guys it's a festival,we wouldn't want to cause a scene"I threatened

"you wouldn't"the shorter figure spoke,and his voice,made me almost melt ,he sounded like an angel

"Enough"a stern yet angelic voice called from ahead of us

"jane" I heard Edward whisper

so this is the terrifying which twin jane,ha she's barely 16,I'm no way afraid of her,my powers are just as powerful,if not more than hers

we started to follow her when the two dark figures stepped out of the shadows ,one of them caught my eye right away,he was like a god,perfect features,short dirty blond hair,and deep red eyes that mesmerized me,he was the most gorgeous man I've ever scene in my that moment out eyes met for a brief second before I was pulled after Edward, Bella and jane who were already walking away,and in that moment I swear my dead heart started beating again,I felt a warm feeling spread through me and I swear the earth stopped in those few seconds.we were walking thought the hall before entering an elevator,I stood in between Edward and Alice ,while the blond god stood behind me,the only sound that filled the elevator where Bella's quick breaths and opera music,the whole time I could feel his gorgeous red eyes burning into back of my head when we walked out we were head to two big wooden doors that looked and felt like the doors to hell,it was in that moment when I glanced at jane,the blond god and the tall dark haired man who was towering over even Edward that I realized how under dressed I was to actually meet the vampire royalty knows as the Volturi,I was in black leather leggings ,black heeled ankle boots,a deep red short sleeveless bralet and a black leather jacket,sure this was how I normally dressed but it made me feet almost exposed here.i took another look at the blond god beside me,realizing he was already looking at me,his eyes raking up and down my body making me want to melt under his gaze,the I hear the two big wooden doors creak open and started walking towards my possible death....


picture of volterra to the side

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