Chapter 2

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As we entered into the thrown room I saw three throwns,each with a man sitting in them the middle one had a man with shoulder length black hair,to the left a man with long dark brown hair sat,looking towards a wall looking completely and utterly bored with everything,and to the right sat a man with shoulder length blond hair,he was glaring at everyone in the room.they were all pale skinned with flawless features and glowing red eyes,they look completely terrifying yet completely beautiful all at the same time.

We walked into the middle of the room spoke

"ahh young Bella is alive after all isn't that wonderful"he cheered stepping up from the thrown and walking towards us,he grabbed Edwards hand for some reason ,oh wait this must be Aro the one who can read peoples thoughts with one touch

"oh Edward I see you have brought your sisters with you this time"he turned to us

"What beautiful creatures you are,may I?"he asked holding out his hands for me and Alice,alice went first placing her hand in his.he seemed to be almost hypnotized by what he saw and I can't blame him,Alice's power is amazing,He let how of her hand them smiled and turned go me,I was reluctant at first then,alice gave me a look saying "just do it please" so I placed my hands in his,I almost gasped when his skin touched mine,it was so cold even for a vampires.he looks intrigued at first then just completely happy

"Ah my dear..such a powerful gift,yet you are afraid of it controlling you,I would so love to see it in action.."he said almost begging me with his eyes as he did

"unless you wasn't one of your guard dead,I wouldn't"I said smirking a little ,getting warning glances from Alice.He just nodded ant walked towards Bella and Edward.

I looked around he room and saw the blond vampire from earlier walking up to the brown haired vampire on the thrown,Marcus I believe his name was,he had a confused look as he approached him,he whispered something to his so low even I couldn't hear,Marcus look at him with almost interest and them closed his eyes,I looked over at the blond vampire to see he was already staring at me,he smiled,winked and then turned back to Marcus who looked like he was concentrating very hard,he then opened his eyes and I almost saw a hint of joy in them,then he looked over at me and back yo the blond vampire with a half smile,I looked away from them and back to Aro,they must have been talking for a while because the next thing I heard made me stiffen right away

"May I?" he asked putting out his hand for Bella

Alice and Edward stiffened as well as Bella placed her hand in Aros,he was concentrating so hard and then just let go

"remarkable....I would love to see If you are immune to all our powers shall we jane?"he asked with a horrible sinister smirk on his lips

"No!" Edward shouted running in front Bella before he collapsed to the ground in pain.i saw red,no one and I mean no one hurts my family,I quickly turned to face Jane,she then fell to the ground screaming in pain,I could feel my power taking control but I didn't care all I could focus on was her screams,I was snapped out of it by clapping,it was Aro and he looked beyond pleased,like a child on Christmas morning

"Remarkable" he praised staring at me,then the blond one came over and whispered something in his ears ,Aro turned and walked towards Marcus, taking his hand in his,his smile immediately got larger,Edward looked as if he was ready to kill something,It's making me nervous...

"Now young Bella..what to do with you now..."Aro said walking towards Bella,I tried to run towards her but the blond vampire had grabbed me,his touch sent sparks through my body,and I think he felt it too because he jumped a little,Edward was grabbed by two of the guard as was Alice,

"You already know what your going to do with her Aro.."Marcus said still looking as bored as ever

"She knows too much,she's a liability"the blond one who is thinks name is ciaus said from his thrown.

I struggled agains him,but I couldn't get out of his tight grasp,he whispered in my ear "please,I don't want you to get hurt"his husky pleading voice sent shivers through my body,why did he have this effect on me,it was almost as if I couldn't use my gift on him,like I couldn't stand to hurt him,even the thought of if made my dead heart ache

Aro walked so close to Bella their noses could touch,I was preparing my self for the worst when Alice screamed "wait!!" Aro turned and looked at her"Bella will be one of us,I've seen it I'll change her myself" Aro quickly made his way toward Alice taking her hand in his"

He then turned to Bella

"what an intriguing immortal you will make young Bella....go make your preparations...demetri please see them out"the guard released us,Bella ran into Edwards arms while Alice walked beside me,the blond vampire that was holding me started leading us out,so that's his name Demitri,Who is he,why couldn't I hurt him,why did I feel so alive when I was near him....


"Catherine!" my fathers voice pulled me out of my thoughts "we need to go,it's time" I walked down to the living room where my family and friends where,ready to go fight for our lives....


Heyy Chickens hope you like the story so far


picture of demitri to the side


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