Chapter 1 - His name is Jean Kirschtein

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“Come on, Marco. Pull yourself together.” Marco Bodt had whispered to himself, his hands holding the steering wheel in a death grip. As a seventeen year old boy suffering with mild anxiety, transferring to a new high school definitely wasn't something he’d consider easy.  Of course, it wasn't his choice to transfer here. If he had the choice, he’d stay back in Jinae High, where everyone was kind and sweet and all knew each other since it wasn't a very big school. His mother had to move here though to get a better job opportunity. Because it was a large and populated city here in Trost, she would get much better business at her Bakery. It’s been handed down through the family, so of course Marco didn't expect her to abandon it and all of its precious memories. Although money wasn't exactly easy to get, since the lack of customers they were getting back in Jinae, and they were lucky that they could at least afford a small apartment home in the midst of the busy city of Trost. Marco knew it was going to be challenging to adjust to the new surroundings, especially the new school. There were so many crowds of people bustling around and a lot of them (at least Marco found this,) seemed rather unfriendly and hostile. He came to the realization that his knuckles were beginning to turn white with his grip on the steering wheel, and he finally let go with a shaky sigh. Marco Bodt had sat outside Trost high in the safety of his car for what felt like a century. The idea of walking into a school where everyone was already established with one another while he was that awkward new kid didn't appeal to him one bit, and he found himself actually cringing at the thought of it.

Well, it was now or never. He opened the door of his crappy little car, and it emitted a loud, high pitched creak, the hinges literally screaming in utter agony for the lack of oil it needed apparently quite badly. Right away, a few kids looked his way and some of them snickered at him and his unfortunate car choice. Unfortunately, with the paycheck Marco gets from working at his family bakery, this was all he could really afford. Ignoring the snickers from kid’s he’s never seen in his life, he swung his heavy bag over his shoulder and began to advance towards the intimidatingly large building, after of course making sure to lock his shitty car. Marco felt his anxiety beginning to stir up in his chest again as he approached the front doors. It was probably just the self-consciousness eating away at him, but he could have sworn everyone’s eyes were on him. Probably, and hopefully just his imagination, he thought. He was over thinking it all; it was just a high school, which he’s already spent two years in back in Jinae. This one just had much more people in it. Two of the many front doors were propped open, most likely because it was the first day of school. Marco took in a deep breath as he entered through the doors into the air conditioned building. He took note right away as he stepped in that this school must be rich or something. The lobby was spacious, and light was pouring down from the sun roof that stretched up high above Marco and the rest of the students scattered around the large foyer. The light shone down on the polished white tile beneath him, making it glimmer. In the middle of the spacious lobby, there sat a large fountain with a padded bench wrapped all the way around it. Some students sat there, sipping Starbucks coffees and chatting idly. The school was absolutely breathtaking to Marco, and he stood there in awe of his surroundings for a good minute or two. What brought him back to his senses was two rude girls who pushed past him, making sure to sigh harshly in their frustration as they kept going. Marco’s brows furrowed a little as he veered off to the side, out of the way of people.

‘Ignore them, they’re just rude.’ Marco thought to himself as he reached into the pocket of his jeans to dig out a crumpled up paper; his class schedules. He un-crumpled it and squinted at the slightly morphed ink (due to him carelessly folding it up and stuffing it into his pocket this morning). He took note that first, he had visual art and it was in room 2015 on the upper floor of the seemingly massive school.

Up the stairs he went, trying his hardest to avoid bumping into anyone and possibly getting attacked. With the way everyone here seemed to have a stick up their ass so far, it wasn't looking good for the poor, shy, freckled teen.

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