Chapter 3 - Closer

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It was absolutely freezing outside today.

The sharp chill of the wind made Marco shiver as he stepped out of the heated lobby of his apartment. He pulled his scarf a little tighter around his neck, doing a light jog towards his vehicle and hopping in, sighing a little as he shut the door behind himself. The car was just as cold as it was outside, so Marco stuck the keys into the ignition quickly, starting it up and cranking up the heat. Once he got onto the road, his shivering had subsided. He noticed that there wasn't as much traffic today as there usually was, and it was a relief because he left his apartment a little later then he had hoped to. As he pulled into the school's large parking lot, he noticed there wasn't much decent parking spaces. A lot of students liked to take up two parking spaces. Lovely, Marco thought, finally finding a spot to pull into and park. He got out of his car and locked it, slipping his keys into his schoolbag. As he began to head for the front entrance, he had to stop and wait for a car to pass him. His eyes had widened as he watched the car slowly drive by him, most likely looking for a spot to park that was out of the way of any danger. This car was amazing, Marco thought. It was a Ferrari 458. The sun would have glittered beautifully off the flawless paint job, but the clouds were in the way today. Marco looked up to see who was driving this magnificent car, and his eyes had widened again. It was Jean. Marco blinked in surprise as he watched the car pull into the middle of two parking spaces. Ah, so he was that kind of guy... Marco put a smile on his face quickly, walking over to where Jean had parked. Today he was going to talk to him again, and see if he was in a better mood than yesterday.

"Hey, Jean!" Marco beamed, approaching Jean who was getting out of his car. He noted that Jean looked better than he did yesterday in general, so he had a good feeling about this. Yesterday, Jean had looked worn out and exhausted with deep purple bags under his eyes, as if he had a lack of sleep that night. Today though, Jean didn't have those bags under his eyes. He looked refreshed, and his messy hair wasn't as messy as it was yesterday. Jean had looked at Marco for a moment, his eyebrows narrowed in that usual scowl he always wore on his face. But then he smiled slightly. There it was, that smirk that somehow managed to give Marco a fit of butterflies in his belly for unknown reasons.

"Hey, what's up?" Jean slipped his keys into his pocket after making sure to lock his beautiful car.

"Not much, just uh.. heading up to the school." Marco couldn't keep himself from smiling as he looked down at Jean. "You have a pretty awesome car, Jean." Marco's gaze landed on Jean's ruby red Ferrari that was parked behind him. Jean slipped his hands into the pockets of his large black hoodie, and looked behind him as if he wasn't sure of what Marco was talking about. 

"Oh, thanks, man." His voice was in a bit of a mumble, and he turned his gaze back up to Marco. "It's actually my dad's, though."

"Wow... He just let's you take it to school?" Marco was blown away. Jean's dad must really trust him to let him use a car like this so freely.

"Nope." Jean just smirked slightly, pronouncing the 'p' with a light pop of his thin lips. He then started to walk in the direction of the building's entrance, and Marco quickly followed him.

"So you just... took it?" Marco was in bewilderment. He would never do something so irresponsible, but it seemed like it was so easy for Jean.  

"It's not like he'd figure out. He's on a business trip." Jean insisted as the two ascended the steps to get to the doorway. Marco wasn't sure what to say, he just hoped Jean wouldn't get caught for borrowing such an expensive looking car from his father. 

"Oh... Okay, then." Marco chuckled a little. Well, he had to give it to Jean; he was a brave soul. The two headed into the cafeteria area to wait for the first bell to ring, and also Jean insisted on buying Marco and himself a coffee. Marco of course declined, not wanting to make Jean think that he needed to do this, but Jean just kept insisting, and finally Marco found himself sitting at a table with Jean, with a coffee and a muffin (Because Jean insisted on that too).

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