Chapter 2 - What's wrong?

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The small little bell on the Bodt's Bakery door chimed as Marco stepped in.

"Hey, mom." He set his school bag down on the floor next to the 'Welcome' mat, and approached the rather short woman, to wrap his arms around her.

"Hi, honey. How was your first day? Were people nice to you?" She returned the hug, a warm smile on her plump face. Marco nodded happily and pulled away from the embrace to look down at his mother. He noticed she had a bit of flour dusting her cheeks and her work apron, and guessed she must have been baking. 

"Yeah, actually! I made quite a bit of friends already." Honestly, Marco didn't expect to come home with butterflies fluttering around in his belly after the first day at Trost High school. He wanted to tell his mother all about it, all about Jean, and how he thought he was a life-hating crankpot but he turned out to be so damn funny and sweet and just so dorky.

"That's great. I knew they'd like you." She had chuckled as she picked up a small tray. Marco stared down at the sweets lined up on the tray, beginning to feel his mouth water as the delicious scent filled his senses. She had held the tray out to him with a smile.

"I thought maybe I'd make your favorite, today." 

Marco immediately took one, thanking his mother for her copious amounts of kindness. The small strawberry tart tasted just as amazing as Marco had ever remembered. He closed his eyes, savoring the sweet, yet tangy flavor. after he swallowed, he smiled down at his mother, thanking her again for making his favorite treat. These had always been his favorite, ever since he was little. His mother just nodded, and placed the tray of tarts up on one of the display shelves. 

"Need any help with anything?" Marco's question was a little muffled from the food in his mouth.

"I'm fine, I think. I already finished baking and tidying up, so don't worry about it, today." She leaned against the counter, looking a little worn out from all the work she had done today. Marco felt bad for her, having to do everything all by herself. He tried to help her as much as he could, knowing she can't afford to hire people. She had invested everything they had on this new bakery here in the city, and on top of that, their apartment.

"So, ready to close up, then?" Marco had picked his bag back up, slinging it over his shoulder again. He watched as his mother hung up her flour covered apron, giving him a nod.

"Yep, I believe so." She let out a tired sigh.

Marco waited patiently by the front door for his mother as she went around back to grab her coat. To save her some time, he flicked off the lights and turned the 'Come in, we're open' sign around. Marco drove the both of them home that afternoon, and ended up stopping on the way to pick up a few groceries. When they got home, Marco helped his mother unload the groceries and make supper. He had always felt like he had a very close relationship with his mother. She was all he really had ever since he was little, and she worked so hard to take care of him all by herself after his father had passed. He respected his mother so much, and was always helping her out as a way to repay her for all of the love she gives Marco. After eating, his mother went to bed. It was probably a good idea for Marco to retire soon too, but he didn't feel tired yet, so he watched a little bit of TV first. Finally, around eleven o'clock he began to felt his eyelids become heavy, and he changed into his pj's and crawled into bed.

Marco awoke the next morning to a shrill, repetitive beeping. Quickly, he turned off his alarm clock and sat up, tiredly rubbing at the sleep in his eyes. He had never liked getting up so early, but then again, who did? He managed to drag his tired ass out of his bed and into the shower. The water was so warm and nice, and it took extra effort to pull himself out of the shower and get dressed. The apartment was extremely quiet, because his mother had already left for work. She had to get up way earlier than Marco to open up the bakery for the day. Marco made some toast right quick, and munched on it on his way down to his car. On his way to school, he didn't even have time to get frustrated about the insane traffic in the city that he was stuck in, because he couldn't wait to talk to his friends again. He couldn't get Jean's cute smirk out of his head. Hang on... cute?

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