Chatpter 2: Sold

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the one with braces is Morgan and The one in the back of her is Maddie

Maddie's P.O.V.

"and her" is all i could think about. Why me? Why would they pick me? theman unhandcuffed us and mad us stand in line. Once everyone was lined up we were taken ino this room. the room was dim like the bulb was going out. it had cages on the windows. in the middle of the rom stood a large circle platform. " watch your step" the man said. after we were all on the platform the metal cages on the windows rose up and they werent like windows you use to see the view , they were windows like the ones you use at the zoo to see animals but the only difference was, We Were The Animals. i continued to look around the room in curiosity, a feminine robotic voice blazed oout of the speakers. "Hello everyone and welcome to The Slave Girl Auction! Selling one young lady at a time". the voice said like it was a campaign slogan. "my name is ms.delarosa" she said in a calm yet confident tone. "and i will be your host for this evening. So without further or do First u is ms.Tracenda Mayflower..."

I looked at tracenda as the small spotlight fell on her. She looked like she was confused about this whole situation. she began to look around until she stopped and gave a blank expression to this man. he had pale white skin and looked like he was over 60. he gave tracenda a dirty lustful look. tracenda continued to look at this man with no emotion. i was wondering was he in her past until ms.delarosa came onto the speaker again. "SOLD," she said "to mr.winston for $150,000." i seen tracenda look down at her feet and im guessing mr.winston is the pervy man that kept giving her pervertic smiles. after ms.delarosa finished speaking 2 men came and excorted tracenda down the long hallway and into a room.

i felt sorry for tracenda, but my sympathy quickly turned into fear once i heard the next name. "next up we have Morgan Rodriguez. Shes 13 years old, a virgin, does lovely housework, and is very intelligent. she is puerto rican and black, and has a marvelous grain of hair. we will start the bidding at $100,000."i looked around for Morgan, and when i found her my heart dropped into the pit of my stomach. i hopped off of the platform and ran to her. once we hugged she began to sobb onto my shoulder."Morgan" i whispered into her ear as she lifted her head to look at me. "stop crying" i said in a caring but stern voice. " its going to be ok, i wont let anyone hurt you" our sobb moment quickly ceased once we heard ms.delarosa ear peircing voice "SOLD to mr. and mrs. sanders for $1,000,000" she yelled. i began to sobb quietly until i felt Morgans arms wrap around me. "i dont want to leave" she cried "its ok" i replied " just dont ever forget me". she nodded and then the 2 men came in to escort her out, but she wouldnt leave. "dont fight it" i yelled "just go". she stopped fighting and let them take her away "i love you Maddie" she yelled. "i love you too" i yelled back. and before i knew it she dissapeared into the long hallway. at that moment i wanted to ball up and cry but i had to be strong because before i knew it the spotlight was on me. "next up we have Maddison Rodriguez. she is 15. speak fluent spanish and english. She is a wonderful care taker, and a marvelous cook, she is very fiesty and strong opinionated. she is nicely built and she is a great singer and dancer . we will start the bidding at $250,000". i was shocked that the bidding for me would be so high. "500,000" one old mexican man yelled. "750,000" a young lady yelled. "$1,500,760" a mexican lady yelled. "SOLD to mr. and mrs.perez" as in routine 2 men came and escorted me down the hall and into a room ehere i recieved 3 trash bags. "fill these bags with what you want, knock when your finished" i nodded in agreement and stepped inside the room. the room was filled with a whole lot of clothe from hollister to ambercrobie and shoes from jordans to addidas. i wasted no time filling my bags with jordans, nikes, addidas and more. i grabbed purses, hats, coats, and a toothbrush then i knocked on the door. the man opened the door and led me to a glossy blue 4 door car. he opened the back door and let me get in before he shut it. in the car were the Mr. and Mrs.Perez. "hi im Maddison but you can call me Maddie" i said in a low shy tone "hello" they both replied as we rode back to their home in silence.


sooo how did i do? and im sorry i didnt update but when i began i hated writing now i love it and im in need of a co-writer , know any takers? please inbox me or kik me at nae4_love or instagram me @born.sinner to let me know if your up for the job. thanks comment and vote please!

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