Chapter Five: Molle

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POV from Vic

I allowed her to yank me into the employee's room, not really finding the voice to tell her no. She now knew my deepest secret. I felt like I was going to be sick, but Julie looked conflicted. She pushed me a little so my lower back hit a table and she nodded to a chair, sitting down in one across from me. So I sat, not really knowing what to do next.

"Tell me." she demanded. I blinked at her. She rolled her eyes and poked my arm. "Tell me!" She said with a little more force, so I sighed, cocking an eyebrow.

"Fine." I grumped, crossing my arms over my chest. "What do you want to know?"

"What happened?" She asked curiously. I rolled my eyed and gave her a serious look. She gave me one right back. "Come on, Vic, you can't just say something like that and not tell me what happened-"

"Fine, fine." I grunted. I uncrossed my arms and looked across me to her. "So...Uh, my dad was in the basement..." It was almost like I was immediately transported back to that night...

"You're late," Mike whispered. I rolled my eyes.

"Kiss my ass, Mikey. So what?"

Mike sighed through his nose. "Dad's mad."

Instantly, my mood shifted. "How mad?"

"He kicked the dog." Mike said. I just noticed how red and puffy his eyes were.

"Where is she?" I asked, realizing there was no little cocker-spaniel to greet me at the door. Mike's mouth twisted into a complicated frown.

"He kicked Molle in the ribs. Her ribs broke and punctured her lungs and stomach." He broke off and covered his face. "Molle's dead."

My face went blank. "What?"

"He kicked Molle." Mike spat out. "And he laughed. What sick bastard watches a dog whine and sputter out blood and laughs?"

"He's confused-" I began, but Mike stood up.

"Shut the fuck up, Vic! Listen to yourself! Confused? Confused?! He killed out dog, Christ's sake!" Mike wiped his tear streaked face. I breathed in deeply.

"Mike, let me see your wrists...and stomach." I tried to sound calm. Mike was a recovering addict of self harm. (TABLES HAVE TURNED, MOTHER FUCKERS!)

Mike clenched his jaw. "Vic..."

"Michael, show me your goddamned wrists, or so help me." I snapped. Mike turned red and brandished his arms. My heart plummeted at the sight.

"Mike-" I started, but Mike lifted his shirt. I saw more red angry marks on his skin. "Mike..." I said again, this time, a whisper. Mike broke down. He was convulsing with sobs. I suddenly was overcome with a sense of anger. I punched the wall once, twice, three times...I had bloody and bruised knuckles.

"Vic..." Mike whispered, "dad's coming."

"Go upstairs." I ordered. "We'll talk about your arms later."

Mike bowed his head and scurried up the stairs, his hands rubbing at his biceps from nervousness.

"Vic?" called the voice of the man I called my father.

"I'm here."

"Have you seen Molle?" He asked, coming into my view, emerging from the steps of the basement. Instantly, I snapped.

"How dare you fucking kick that dog?" I shouted, approaching him at the top of the basement stairs. "Do you know how much she meant to Mike?

"It's just a dog." he said, wiping black grease off his hands before leaning on the doorway. "Why are you so upset about Molle? You hated her anyway."

"This isn't just about Molle!" I snarled, my blood boiling.

My father frowned. "I didn't know you had your nose pierced-"

"Don't change the subject, you asshole! This is about you hitting me and Mike! I'm sick of it! I'm done taking it! I don't need it, he sure as hell doesn't need it..." My thoughts when to Mike's scarred arms. "He definitely doesn't need it."

"I'm raising you my way." My father said, rolling his eyes. "Are you going to complain about the food I put on your plate, the clothes I buy on your back, and the roof over your head?" He looked expectantly at me. I growled.

"You need to stop this abuse." I told him sternly. My father's calm pose faltered as his face got red with anger.

"I'm gonna teach you a little lesson, you brat!" he snarled at me as he reached out.

I shoved him as hard as I could, just to keep him away from me. He toppled down the stairs with a sickening thud.

When I finished telling Julie, she was wiping away tears. "I'm sorry about Molle." she muttered.

"Yeah." I sighed, "me too."

She bit her lip and looked up at me. I glanced down at her.

Then, without thinking, I kissed her.

I am so sorry I've been absent for this story! I haven't had the inspiration lately. I'm sorry, Julie! I love you!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2014 ⏰

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