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This is a love story of about two of the greatest figures in our Islamic history. While today's world looks for sensational stories and for stars who put themselves at the forefront of the day's news by any means, these two great figures were marked by the simplicity of their lives .

By studying their marriage we hope for an improvement in our moral character, our knowledge and wisdom and we hope that this will allow us to also live amongst our family with respect and honour.

Out of all the prophet's SAW daughters, the personality of Fatimah rA was the closest it could get to that of the prophet SAW, even her walk resembled that of the prophet SAW. As a result, many noble companions approached the prophet SAW asking Fatimah's hand in marriage, but the prophet SAW politely refused.

Having been raised up in the prophet's SAW house, Ali rA had great appreciation and respect for Fatimah rA, but his poverty was a barrier, or so he thought. Until one day, Abu Bakr suggested to Umar and Muath rA that they should all convince Ali rA to approach the prophet SAW asking Fatimah's hand in marriage.

Overcoming his shyness and poverty, Ali finally decided to go meet the prophet SAW seeking his permission to marry Fatimah.

Ali had nothing else to offer to the prophet SAW. He SAW knew better than anyone else so he asked him about the Armour he had given him previous.

Ali says that the Prophet told him to sell his armor so that the things Fatima will need can be bought . Ali says "I took the armor to the market and sell it to Uthman on 400 dirham. When I took the money and he took the marmor , Then Uthman said to me. Now this armor is mine and the money is your, right? I said "Right" . Than Uthman said "Now I gift this armor to you." Ali said "I took the armor and money brought it to the Prophet and narrated to him what happened, upon which he prayed for Uthman. Than he gave the money to Abu Bakr and told him to buy for Fatima, the things she will need, and sent with him Bilal and Salman.

So now the first boy to embrace Islam, Ali rA, was getting married to the first girl who have embraced Islam, Fatimah rA, subhan Allah!

The moment the prophet SAW approved Ali's marriage to Fatimah, the first thing Ali rA did was prostrating in gratitude to Allah? How many of us do this? Well, it's never too late, if married, please go prostrate to Allah for facilitating your marriage; and if not, ask Him SWT to facilitate it for you. When Ali rA stood up after prostrating, the prophet SAW smiled at him and supplicated for the couple: "May Allah bless you and bless your efforts. May He bring out of you many pleasant offspring".

For the Walimah (wedding feast), the Sahabah ﺭﺿﻲ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻨﻬﻢ came together and contributed – Sa'd gave a ram and others from the Ansar gathered barley.

Muhammad(SAW) himself performed the wedding ceremony and two of his wives, Aisha and Umm Salama , prepared the wedding feast with dates, figs, sheep and other food donated by various members of the Madinan community.

Masruq narrates from Aisha and Umm Salma that they said that the Prophet (s) ordered them to make preparations for Fatima's going to Ali. So we brought mud from the valley of Batha , than prepared the home , and cleaned it. Than we made two cushions with our hands. Then prepared food with dates and munqa, and arranged drinkable water. Then we placed a wood in the corner of the house so that clothes and water vessels can be hanged on it. Aisha and Umm Salma narrates that they didn't saw any better marriage than the marriage of Fatima.

The wedding of the daughter of the prophet SAW was very simple.This give a great lesson to all Muslims..

After the wedding ceremony, the prophet SAW asked Umm Salamah rA to take the bride to Ali's house, then he SAW followed them there after praying Isha. Once in Ali's house, the prophet SAW asked for water, made ablution and supplicated once again for the couple:

Love in the Light of Faith: A Journey Through Islamic Love StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now