b e e z u s

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Full Name: Beatrice Isabella Duncan

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Full Name: Beatrice Isabella Duncan

Nicknames: Beezus, Bee

Birthday: November 23rd 1999

Age: 14-15 (2014)

Personality: Bubbly, sensitive, awkward, stubborn

Mother - Amy Duncan
Father - Bob Duncan
Older Brother - PJ Duncan (age 19-20)
Older Sister - Teddy Duncan (age 18-19)
Twin Brother - Gabe Duncan
Younger Sister - Charlie Duncan (age 4-5)
Younger Brother - Toby Duncan (age 1-2)

Face Claim: Brenna D'Amico

A/N: I got really confused when I was trying to work out the ages and how old everyone would be around the time this book is set which is after Teddy leaves for college so 2014 I think so I apologise if I made any mistakes 😂

Good Luck BeezusWhere stories live. Discover now