Chapter 1:

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Anthony's P.O.V.:

Derrick pushed me against the wall, punching me in the nose. "How do you like that, gay lord?" He said. His friend, Andrew, was laughing his head off. I felt the blood drip off my nose and down my face.
"Stop!" I yelled. Trying to block his next punch, but failed, it hit me in cheek.
"Why? Can't take it, bitch?" He said kneeing me in the gut. He punched in the eye, harder than the others. I screamed in pain. I fell on the ground holding my hand on my eye. I heard them laugh and then walk out of the bathroom. I sat on the floor, getting paper towels to clean the blood from my face. I walked out, and I walked to my next class. When I reached my math class, the bell had already rung and I was late.
"Mr. Padilla, why are you late?" Mrs. Fisher asked without looking away from the board. He writing down math problems.
"Uh, I was, uh, messing around." I lied, knowing if I told the truth Derrick would bully me more.
"Just get to your seat, Mr. Padilla." She said gesturing to empty seat in front of her. Damn, I hate being in the front, if you do one thing wrong she is on ass about it. I pay attention to her, only I order to not get in trouble. She was going on about every detail about pi.
She gave a death look suddenly, "Mr. Padilla, why aren't you taking notes?"
"Oh, sorry." I said getting out my math note book, which honestly, I haven't used all year. I opened it to a random page and took out a pen.
She stared at me. "No pens in math class, only pencils!" She said getting annoyed.
"Oh, I don't have a pencil." I said getting embarrassed.
"Why? This is math class!" She said.
"I have a spare pencil." A boy beside me said, putting the pencil on my desk.
I turn to him and say, "Thanks man." He smiled. I didn't even notice there was someone sitting next to me. He had bowl hair cut. A small pimple sat on the bridge of his nose. He is kinda cute, his blue eyes are perfect. I look away before it would seem like I was staring at him, which I really want to do.

-----after class-----

The bell rings, I get up putting all my books in one arm. I walk to the boy who gave a pencil. "Hey man, thanks for the pencil." I said handing it to him.
"Keep it." He said picking up his books.
"Thanks. Whats your name?" I asked as not awkwardly as possible, but not good at that.
"Ian. You?" He said, even though I think he knows, everyone knows me, I'm the gay kid in the grade. Even people though know me, no one was my friend...
"Ian." I said. "So where do you live?" I asked.
"Why?" He asked and began walking out the door and to his locker.
I followed. "Oh, well I live on South Oakley. And I just want to know if you live near me."
"Well I do, I'm on North Oakley." He said opening his locker.
"Cool! You want to come over to my house and play video games or something?" I asked.
"Sure! What kind of games do you play?" He asked.
"Oh, all of them." I said.
He put all of his books in his locker and closed it. We walked to lunch together talking about our favorite video games.

Hey guys, hope you like the first chapter! I noticed that so many fanfic about ianthony had Ian being the wimp, so we are changing it up. Hope like it, don't forget to follow me and vote! K, BYYYYYYYE!!!!!!!

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