Chapter 2:

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Ian's P.O.V.:

Anthony and I stand next to each other in the lunch line. I grabbed a tray, and walked to the first lunch lady. She was a older woman, and seemed to be having a bad day. She put a apple on my tray. The next lady was about the same age but nicer. "What do you want darling?" She said sweetly, I smile at her.

"Cheese burger, please." I say, I can't but be polite. She puts a cheese burger on a plate and hands it to me, I put it on my tray and continue on.

The lady that hands out the drinks says, "Drink?"

"Yeah, coke." I say. She hands my the can of soda. I finally get to the lady who charges me for the meal.

She looked at the food and punched buttons her calculator. "5.50." She said without making eye contact. I pull out a 10 dolor bill and hand it to her. She gives me my change. I walk out of the line, Anthony next to me. He had the same food as I did.

I spot my table from a cross the cafeteria. I walk to it, there sat my friends. I sit with them, and Anthony sits next to me.

Ryan, a nerd/gamer freak, ADHD and nerves way to much when bad things happen, his sister committed suicide last year. Blonde hair and black square shaped glasses. Every one says that he will never be worth space. He wore a plaid, button down shirt, faded jeans, and old nike shoes.

Elisabeth, a 'screw up' as people call her. Her parents didn't mean to have her, and her dad is in jail abusing Elizabeth and her mom. She messed up a lot, but it isn't her fault. She had her long brown hair pulled up in a high pony tail. She wore a blue tee-shirt, a pair blue jeans, and sneakers.

Ben, a kid with OCD, parents divorced, he lives with his dad who remarried with another man. He has short, curly orange hair. He had khaki shorts, a blue short sleeve button up shirt, and old sandals.

Jamie, orphan in a foster home of six. Jamie is my girl friend, her long blonde hair sits on her shoulders. She had a pink tank top, jean capris, and nock off vans. She was the girly gamer. Her lips were a light shade of pink from her lip gloss. She is so amazing...

These are my friends. The rejects. The ones who get bullied daily. The group no one want s to be near because we are 'weird'... And this is exactly why we fit as friends so well. I know Anthony, he is the only gay kid in the grade, he is considered 'the weirdest', he gets bullied..., a lot, he will fit in with us perfectly. I look at Jamie, we smile at each other. We talk until the bell rings for us to go to next hour. All the boys in our grade has P.E. now. I walk to my locker a get my gym bag. I notice Anthony is no longer with me, I go the gym and sit on the bleachers until everyone had left the changing room, I am very insecure about how I look...

Anthony P.O.V. -right after lunch-

I go strait to my locker. I feel someone grab the collar of my shirt and pulls me outside. He pushes me against a wall. Derrick stood in front of me, he punches me in the face. "Ow, what do you want Derrick?!" I say placing my hand carefully on my check where he hit me.

"You told on us when we beat you in the bathroom! And now we have Saturday detention!" He yelled at me. He kicked me in the shin.

"No I didn't!" I said.

"Well the teacher knows, and I blame you." He said punching me in the gut. The bell rang. "We aren't finished." He said walking away. I got up rubbing me stomach, I walk back to my locker and get my gym bag. I go to the locker rooms, Ian was in there, already dressed.

He looked at me. "Holy shit, you eye!" He said. I look in the mirror, I had a black eye from when I was beat up earlier.

"Oh, don't worry about it." I said, I could tell he heard the slight pain in my voice. My stomach hurt like hell.

"You sure man?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"Alright." He said before walking out of the locker room. I changed and went to P.E. class.

-----time skip to after school-----

The bell just rang. Ian and I went to our lockers and now we are on the bus to my house. When we got to my house, I walked in. My grandma was sitting on a recliner in the living room sleeping. Ian and I quickly and quietly ran up stairs. He sat on my bed and I walked to where I keep my video games. The ps2 just came out, but I still have ps1. "What do you want to play?" He looked at my games.

"Ooh! CTR! (A/N: CTR, Crash Team Racing, is a real game for ps1. I do my research)I love that game!" He said. I do too, I grab the game a put it in the ps1. I get two controllers and hook them up, and we began racing. "So, where are your parents."

I pause for a moment, I don't like to talk about this..., but ok. "When I told my parents I was gay, my dad left. My mom..." I say, tears threatening to fall. "She had cancer for a few years, before she died from it. And now I live with my grandma."

He pauses the game, he looks at me. "I'm so sorry man, I'm such a dick, I shouldn't of asked."

"Nah man, i-it's okay." My voice breaks. He hugs me, I hug back. I broke apart before it lasted too long. We began to play the game again. We played for hours until my grandma called us down.

"Yeah grandma?" I ask as I walk down the few steps.

"Oh, you brought a friend!" She said.

"Yeah." I said. "This is Ian."

"Well, dinner is ready. I'm sorry but it is time for your friend to leave..." She said.

"Alright." Ian said.

"Where do you live, I'll drive you over." My grandma said.

"Oh, no need. It isn't that far from here." He said.

"Ok." She said.

"Bye man." He said, pulling me into a bro hug.

"See ya." I said before he walked out of the house. My grandma and I ate dinner and talked.

"He is cute." She said winking at me.

"He is just a friend." I told her.

"That's what I said about your grandpa." She said.

I laughed. "Whatever." We ate dinner and watched t.v. together. God, I love my grandma!

A/N: hey guys, hope you liked this chapter, please vote, comment, and follow me! K, BYYYYYYYYYYYYYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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