Chapter 12 A Witch

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After I had received the news that the witch had arrived I shot up from my chair ready to greet the healer as the new Alpha of the pack, but before I even reached the door an all to familiar face bust through the opening. her eyes held worry but her face was blank and didn't show any of the emotion held within.

"where is my Patient," Sky said in a natural tone. she was wearing casual clothes, a pea-green T-shirt that held a Tree design with branches spreading every which way. She also wore black leggings and A pair of beat-up Convers. In my opinion, she looked as if she just got done at the gym or something. she had a gym bag with her but judging by how heavy it looked I doubt it held spare clothes. I was shocked, to say the least, she can't be the witch, can she?

"sky?"Jack said like a question. he was just as shocked as everyone else in the room.

"what are you doing here," he asked. Jack already knew the answer to his own question of course but he needed to confirm his suspicions.

"I didn't want you to find out this way...but I'm a witch. my supreme sent me here."
All eyes were on the jack as we watched for a reaction. Jack looked like he was having an inward battle with himself he opened his mouth to speak but quickly shut it and retreated to the back of our little group. the sky looked saddened, like saying nothing at all was worse than yelling and making a scene. she quickly changed her expression masking all emotions as she asked again to see her patient. her and jack were going to talk after she heals her patient. she was going to make sure of that.

Reese leads the way to Alex's bedside. Alex still looked broken all scratched and bandaged, but he looked peaceful. Almost Like he passed out after some costume party and forgot to take off all his costume makeup. Reese let himself imagine just for a second that the Scenario in his mind was a reality. Those weren't Alex's bruises and shut scabbed over wounds, and he was just asleep...he only looked up from Alex's mangled body when he heard the loud drop of a duffle bag. The sky had her hands over her mouth and tears were threatening to spill from her eye's. Her face bright Reese back to reality where there was no costume party and there was no fake prosthetics. Alex was really barely alive in the bed in front of him and at that moment Reese learned exactly what tricks grief can play on the mind.

" no Alex, what happened," she said rushing to his bedside opening her duffle bag. searching for something inside." he...was out for a walk in the woods and got attacked, the pack is looking into the matter can you heal him?" Reese said. He saw the bags on the ground that night, he knew Alex wasn't just going for a walk. but that information was strictly between him, jack and Isaac. Not even Reese father knows the real reason Alex was in the woods that night.

"can you heal him sky?" Reese asked worry in his tone.

"it's not that simple Reese, with Alex's ability being what it is I can't use magic to speed up the healing process. I'm going to have to use mundane healing technique's and hope that paired with his natural healing ability, it will be able to close the wounds before they get too out of control."
sky explained apply a sand-colored paste to a large green leaf and sticking the leafy band-aid to Alex's split open shoulder.

"what do you mean ability, how do you know about Alex's ability." she can't be referring to that ability. no one knows about it except the people that were at the park that day and we were all ordered by my father to keep quiet about it for Alex's safety. if others in the pack knew he couldn't be compelled by his alphas voice, members might mistake him for going rogue, and try to kill him. I don't think his parents even know about his ability.

the sky looked at me with curiosity in her eye's " you don't know about Alex's ability, or at least not the full power of it. " sky said clearly knowing something that Reese doesn't.
"What more can his ability do? Tell me sky!!" Reese. Commanded getting irritated. he hates the idea that someone might know more about his mate then him.

"Hmm...I would love to tell you but I'm going to need you to promise me something first" sky said applying the last banana leaf band-aid on Alex's stomach.

"like what?" Reese asked curiously as to what she would say next.

" promise me on the spirit of the moon goddess that you will treat Alex a lot better then you have been in these past few years. I know he is your mate and to be blunt I think he deserves a lot better than you. you're a possessive asshole who clearly has had a crush on him for many years, and is making all the wrong choices in how to express your feelings. Alex deserves to be happy and you will promise me on the spirit of your deity that you will do everything in your power to bring him that happiness otherwise I will conger up a tornado in your pants so powerful that it will twist your balls so hard they rip off your body like a scab."

Reese's face was pale. what exactly do you say to something like that ? "do you promise Reese ?" sky asked again sounding neutral.

"yes, I promise I will make Alex the happiest person alive," Reese said without a second thought. he will make Alex the happiest person alive he promises to himself.

"good" sky said. "Alex's full ability is that he can't be affected by magic or magical object's".

Reese looked puzzled at hearing the news. Alex can't be affected by magic, did the elders know about this? do his parents know about this? and if they didn't how did sky know about his ability before his pack did? Special abilities aren't common in the supernatural Canis community, and not as rare as Alex's. Usually, these special abilities manifest themselves in a heightened sense of smell, speed, strength, sight. Not only is Alex's ability rare. It's rear enough to kill for. And that scares me.

"how do you know so much about his ability sky?"

The sky looked at him while checking Alex's pulse." your father trusted the information about Alex's ability to my supreme she even told me about the mate bond you to share." sky paused for a second then added, "I have a way of getting the information I want from certain people."
at that moment Reese's father Zach walked into the room. Reese was almost seething he was so angry. His father told him none of this.

"Dad why didn't you tell me about Alex's full ability," Reese said anger laced into his voice. He was also angry that his father was so careless as to share sensitive information about his mate to a woman who obviously couldn't be trusted with the information. former alpha Zack rolled his eyes, he used to Reese's tantrums by now.
he doesn't even scold him about his tone when it comes to Alex there was no getting anything through to that thick skull of his. "is going to be a long story son" former alpha Zack said. "I have the time," both Reese and sky say in unison.

Alright, alpha Zach said where to begin...

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