Chapter 11

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Look, run, repeat.

With my back pressed against the bricks of the run-down building, I stare across the alley at Angel, who has his machine gun aimed and firing at an exterminator.

I haven't seen one of them yet - Angel Dust has killed them all before I've had a chance. Not that I really want to see what they look like. Probably just a gross unique formation of flesh and fur, like all of the other demons here.

A long, silver spear soars through the warm air, almost nicking one of Angel's arms. "You little bitch," he mutters before sprinting behind the building to fight the monster head on with his spiky-death-ball-thingy.

I almost look into the alley, just to watch the action, and maybe catch a glimpse of the exterminator, but my stomach lurches with the thought. Instead, I dash across the alley, bending my torso low to avoid being seen. When I make it to the next building, I stop and take a few breaths.

After a moment of clanging, Angel comes around the corner, covered in multiple shades of blood. Black, red, and a sickening purplish mixture of the two.

His eyes are full of life.

"Holy fuck," he says, grinning. "I love Hell!"

I wonder if that's how he really feels.

Just then, we hear a scream. My head whips around to the buildings behind me. I wonder if that could have been Charlie. Or Vaggie. Without thinking, I run after the scream. Adrenaline is pumping through my body, forcing my muscles to move in ways they have never moved. Ever single nerve in my body is on edge, and when I shift the pistol in my sweaty palm, I feel every ridge along the metal.

I stop at a tall building with a bright, wide sign over the door that reads DRUGS. Angel stops beside me, following my gaze to the sign.

"I could use some of those right now," he says jokingly. I laugh with agreement.

As we are staring up at the sign, I hear a quiet, smooth whirrr begin from behind me. I know what it is before I turn around to see it, and I know that we are too late to stop it. A spear, just like the silver one Angel almost got hit with earlier, zooming through the air with the speed of lightning. Time slows at this moment. I begin to turn around, to look at the thrower of the spear that I know is coming, but before I can see them, the spear hits the side of my arm. It goes in - deep. Cringing, I feel my flesh part to make way for the foreign object. The blow forces me to step back a bit.

It goes in one end of my arm, then out the other end.

From one end. All the way to the other.

I scream, staring at my arm with absolute terror. Looking up at the thing that shot at me, I feel the blood rush out of my head and down to my stabbed arm.

And I see it. The exterminator.

I swallow hard. It's tall and grey, with a dull, emotionless face. Flickering white lights, almost glitching, resemble the features on it's face. Eyes flat and dead. Mouth humorous. Like it is laughing at me. Thick, curling horns on the top of it's head, like a ram's horns. A pulse of fear, disgust, and rage flows through me, but I can't move. I feel like I am paralyzed.

Just like when I was in the car. Teetering on the edge. Muscles gone still and cold with fear.

The creature starts walking closer. Angel runs for it, club raised, and begins to whack the living shit out of it.

White spots speckle my vision, but I can still clearly see the spear sticking out of my arm. It is at least two feet long. I have to pull it out. Or push it out. Something. I can't leave it in there. It hurts too much.

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