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Marie sits in her bed, head bending forward. She dreads getting out of bed. Her sadness is so strong and so deep that it feels like a physical object to her, like a backpack full of metal strapped to her. Dave, her husband, is downstairs. Doing whatever. She doesn't know.

Marie looks over at her clock on her nightstand. 12:03 P.M.. Her phone is sitting beside it, untouched. It is dead.

Marie hasn't looked at her phone since the day Danielle never came home for dinner.

There is a knock on her bedroom door. The sad woman almost says something but decides that it would be too much energy.

The door opens. A scruffy man enters. His hair is blonde, with hints of gray along the roots. His beard is overgrown, half of his shirt buttons are undone, and he is only wearing one sock. That is Dave, Marie reminds herself. My husband. Father of my children.

"Hey, honey," Dave says softly. His voice fills Marie with warmth. It always has. His soothing, masculine voice was probably the biggest reason Marie agreed to marry Dave, right next to his huge heart and lovable personality. "How are you?"

Marie says nothing. She knows that Dave knows exactly how she is.

Dave takes some more steps inside. He takes a seat on the creaky king-sized bed the two of them have shared for 20 years. Married for 20, had their first child 2 years after. Had their second child 5 more years after that. The first child was Danielle. Then came Ashley.

"Ashley is doing better," Dave informs Marie. "She still doesn't want to go to school. She thinks it's a waste, but don't worry, I'm making her go. I have also been making sure that she eats. All of the bills and taxes are taken care of, too."

Again, she says nothing. Just stares at Dave with her round, blue eyes. Twenty years ago, Dave fell in love with those blue eyes. He still is in love with them to this day.

"We'll find her," Dave says. He places a hand on Marie's in an effort to comfort his wife, but he knows that it's no use.

"I know," Marie says with a weak, scratchy voice. "I know. Could you be a dear and get me a Motrin? And a glass of water?"

Dave nods. "Of course, sweetheart. Anything for you."

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