A New Destiny ~ Chapter 5

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Here is chapter 5 unedited. Please vote and comment. :)


Chapter 5

Everything was fuzzy when I first blinked open my eyes. Slowly everything started to come into focus. I was staring at the sky, big puffy clouds were floating lazily in the never ending expanse of blue. I heard Kellan's frantic voice talking to someone.

"...no, I told you, we have to tell her! (pause) I don't know how, but they found us. (pause) Yes sir, I know she is under age, but if she hadn't gone into hiding, she would already know anyway! (pause) I KNOW it was for her safety, but they FOUND US!! (Very long pause) Yes Sir...Yes sir...But sir!...Yes sir, I understand. No sir, I promise. Okay sir...goodbye sir." I heard his cell phone snap shut.

I laughed. Obviously, he had just had a good talking to. I looked over at him and laughed again at the abashed look on his face. His face turned bright red when he saw me looking at him. I couldn't help but notice how cute he looked when he was embarrassed. He cleared his throat. Whoops, I must have been staring!

"Are you okay?"

"Ugh," I put my hand on the back of my head.

"Yeah, I'm okay." Suddenly I remembered what happened and struggled to sit up.

I instantly knew that was a bad idea when suddenly everything around me started to spin. Kellan took me by the shoulders and gently laid me back down. When I regained myself, I spoke again, "What were those...things?!"

He looked like he was struggling with something before he let out a big breath he probably didn't even notice he was holding.

"Well, those were Goblins."

"Goblins? I are you joking? There are no such things as Goblins!" I laughed at the absurdity of it.

"Okay then, Little-Miss-Know-It-All, why don't you explain to me what they were."

"I..uh..well...A trick of the light?" I asked hopefully.

"Oh, yeah, that's defiantly what they were. It was a trick of the light that fought with me, pulled you into the woods and knocked you out." He stated obviously exasperitated.

"Okay, so maybe they weren't a trick of the light." I conceded, but then I remembered something. "Holy Cow!! You fought! How long were you going to wait before you told me you could do that?!"

"Uhh...well I didn't really think it was that important."

"Not that important?" I asked incredulously. "You were like totally kick butt wicked!"

He burst out laughing and I joined him. Laughing eased out the tension I was still feeling from the attack. When we both calmed down, he turned to me seriously.

"Ania, we need to leave."

"Okay, do you want to go back to my house, or do you want to go pick up some dinner?"

"That's not what I mean and you know it." Kellan stated seriously.

I sighed. "I know....but what am I going to use as a excuse? I mean, Bob and Sue are supposed to be my guardians...and sure, they don't care about me, but I do all the chores, they are not just going to let me run off with some random guy that I just met."

"That will be taken care of. In fact, it is probably being taken care of as we speak. We have people for that." He said the last part smugly.

"Who exactly are the 'We' that you speak of?" I asked suspiciously.

"I can't tell you. I have just been informed that I am not allowed to say anything at all..." He said this like a child that has just been denied a cookie. He sounded so irritated and disappointed that I couldn't help but laugh aloud.

"Is that what the discussion was about that I heard on the phone?" I asked giggling.

His face blanched, " you heard that, huh?"

I giggled again, "yes, I heard that."

"Oh...well, yeah..." he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand in a slightly nervous gesture.

"...okay, so here is what I AM allowed to tell you. I have been informed that you are 'not to know anything and all will be revealed in due time'" He quoted this last line in a bad imitation of a deep voice.

"However, since I am your protector until we reach Alabastron, I feel the need to tell you at least the basic outline of the plans."

"My protector? From what? And what is Alabastron?...Wait, isn't Alabaster some kind of stone or something?"

He laughed, "All in due time. For now, we need to get you packed."

This time I laughed, "That shouldn't take long, I am living out of my suitcase already, all we have to do is zip it up."

"Well that makes things easy. Lets go now though before more assassins come. We will get you packed and grab a bite to eat before we head to Alabastron."

"You really aren't going to tell me anything are you"

He chuckled, "Nope!"

"Not even what Alabastron is?"

"No, not even what Alabastron is."

"Well, fine, but just know, Monsieur Kellan, I will not give up....Vous me direz finalement, je m'assurerai de cela! " I mumbled the last part in French, I don't know if he understood me or not.

He just laughed.


We walked back to my "house" in silence, each lost in our own thoughts. I couldn't stop thinking about the strange events of the afternoon and the creatures Kellan called goblins. However, while the goblins were certainly strange, what was even stranger was the fact that I found myself thinking more about how good Kellan looked while fighting, rather than the creatures. I found this slightly strange considering the circumstances. I see a mythological creature that isn't even supposed to exist and yet, I am thinking more about the hott guy currently walking beside me. For some reason though, I didn't find the goblin strange, I mean sure, it was different, but I feel as though I have seen one before. Perhaps it was in a dream, or maybe I am just weirder than I thought.

When we got to my "house" Kellan went to the kitchen to make sandwiches for the ride to wherever it is that we are going, while I went to my room to pack. As expected, it didn't take me long to pack. I only owned 2 pairs of jeans, 5 tee-shirts, 3 long-sleeved shirts and 6 sun dresses. My shoe collection consisted of a pair of flip flops and a semi worn pair of black converses with a pink pinstripe plaid pattern, wow, say that 10 times fast! I loved my converses though, I even wore them with my dresses. I changed from a pale blue sundress to a pair of fitted dark wash blue jeans and a gray tee-shirt with black oriental flowers stenciled around the bottom and winding up my side. I paired this with my converses and pulled my thick hair into a high, slightly messy ponytail. Natural ringlets fell and curled beside my cheeks, framing my face which was flushed from today's excitement. I zipped my suitcase, grabbed a few toiletries which I stuffed in the front pocket of my suitcase, and went to meet Kellan in the living room.

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