A vault in heaven. More like a vault in hell

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Four, grey, metal walls.

In her mind they were taunting her, trapping her in the sealed room she reluctantly excepted as her temporary home. Or her last home as she would be dead soon.

She used to cry herself into a frenzy when she had been first put into this cell. She would wake up day after day with swollen eye lids and headache that rendered her motionless on her small cot. Now she didn't cry,however the fear of death,well hers to be exact didn't go away or lessen, if anything it was all she could think about, dieing was all she had now.

As depressing as it was that was what awaited her on the other side of her cell. She didn't enjoy thinking about it, but when you know your going to die, and there's nothing that's going to save you and no one is going to try and plead for your life. Well, there isn't much room to think about living.

        Alexis Blendel as Lin rosssetti

        Alexis Blendel as Lin rosssetti

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2018 ⏰

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