Chapter 3

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Chapter 3! Uh! I'm getting excited in anticipation! So, this is the first chapter in Cody's POV. You're going to learn more about his live along with a personal problem that may or may not be used later in the story. So, enjoy! (Unedited) all rights reserved ©

(Cody's POV)

Ughh! Make that's terrible devil spawned alarm die so I can get some sleep! I've been up all night. I couldn't get my head to shut up. All I could think about was that mysterious girl. Why won't she tell me her name? I wonder if she has anything to hide. Does she?

After some time debating with myself about if it's worth the effort to turn off my alarm or not, I finally did. The silence was heaven.

I laid back down in my bed and buried myself in the comforter again. The warmth radiating from my blankets was amazing, given that the air seemed icy cold to me.

I couldn't stop the trail of thoughts that flooded my head next, all about that girl again. Why is she so cautious? What could have happened to her to make her so untrusting towards me that she won't even tell me her name? What's her story?i wonder what she is like. She didn't talk much yesterday so I don't know much about her other than he is quiet and reserved. She seemed nice when I first saw her. With her long blond hair that covered her eyes along with the glasses. They are so big that basically cover her face. She is so small to now that I think about it. Scrawny and fragile. I guess that's why I felt like I needed to protect her when I first saw her. She seemed like she needed someone to save her.....

Well, I can see I'm not getting anymore extra sleep today.

I got up from my bed and grabbed some clean clothes and headed for the shower. I turned on the water, undressed, and stepped in . The hot water felt comforting given that the air was still icy. My mind didn't cease to wander again as I freshened up.

Once I was completely clean I got out and dried off. I slipped on the clothes I grabbed which happened to be a Fall Out Boy t-shirt and blue jeans. I grabbed my grey hoodie and raced downstairs to get breakfast. My dad always leaves for work before me so i never see him but my mom leaves right after me so she always cook breakfast.

"Good morning, honey. How'd you sleep?" My mom said and I grabbed a plate from the cupboard.

"Ok I guess. Couldn't get my mind off things. Nothing to worry about though" I said casually. First thing you should know about my mom is she worries. A LOT. Especially when it comes to me. My dad is never around to help with problems, especially mine, even if it's guy stuff. He is always working. This week he is home from a business trip that was in San Francisco. In a few day he will be flying half way across the world to meet with a client in Japan.

"Ok dear, as long as you're alright. Grab extra eggs. I made plenty." My mom said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I nodded while grabbing lots of scrambled eggs and some bacon with a slice of toast. As always, everything was great. My mom is a good cook. She loves baking and all that stuff. I don't know a lot about it though. The fanciest thing I can make is cereal. I couldn't begin to tell you how to make a chicken piccata meal for 2.

When I was done eating, I cleaned up the dishes and put the extras in the fridge. I grabbed my school bag and headed out to my car. I placed my bag in the passengers seat and drove to school taking the scenic route to pass time.

I got to school right before first period and rushed to get to class on time. When I got to first, I almost took my usual seat when a head of platinum blonde hair caught my attention. I gave my friends who were waving me over a look telling them I won't be sitting with them today an took my spot next to my mystery girl.

She was completely focused on a book In front of her face. The title read "penderwicks" and by the looks of it, it was a great book.

I reached out for her shoulder to get her attention and say hi. When my hand barely touched her shoulder, she jumped in the air and let out a small squeal.

"Oh! I'm so sorry. I didn't meant to scare you! Are you alright?" I said reaching for the book she dropped.

She nodded and took the book from my hand reopening it.

"So, how are you?" I said trying to make small talk while the teacher took attendance.

She only shrugged in response as she continued to read her book.

"I was thinking, after class, we could take the long way to second period so I could tell you more about myself like we talked about last night"

She set her book down on her desk only to look at me with wide eyes. I could almost see a flicker of something in her bright blue irises. Fear maybe? As soon as it appeared, it was gone. "I don't know if that's a good idea" she said quietly, almost hesitant.

"Why not? I only want to help you out since you are new here. I remember being the new kid. Trust me it's better with frien-"

"I can't be your friend." She said in a rush.

"Is it something I did? What's wrong?"I asked still hopeful.

"I just.... can't." She said barely over a whisper.

"You can tell me anything. I'm here..."

The teacher cut me off starting her lecture of the day. Class dragged on forever, although I didn't pay attention. All I could think about was her. She stared straight ahead the whole time while I stole many glances her way. When the bell finally rang she grabbed her bag and darted out of the room like a freight train.

"Hey! Wait up!" I shouted at her, but to no avail. She continued dashing through the halls. I finally gave up on catching up to her and went to class. I waited for he to show but she never did. She didn't show up to any of her classes after that. I just hope she is ok....

CLIFF HANGER! Even thought its small...... I can't wait for chapter 4! It will be in Harmony's POV an you will get to know some of her interests and more of her personality. As always, vote, comments, follow, and share what you would like to see happen in future chapters!


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