Chapter one

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If I were a llama I'd run free across the earth. I am a llama but in human disguise and I don't know how to change back. I would love to be back in that form but no I'm stuck as a human that randomly has unlimited powers and knows all the Harry Potter characters and others!

So Voldemort randomly took me as a hostage to ask where Harry,Hermione and Ron were. I said "I don't know" He threatened to torture me by watching Twilight movies. I quickly suggested that we calmly go wig shopping and he immediately agreed to it. He found a wig that he really liked and went to grab it until he noticed Dobby admiring the wig. They started to fight over the wig so I took this as my chance to make a quick dash for it. I ran out the building really fast and I assumed Dobby won since I hear Voldemort scream"Nooooooo!!!" And I'm pretty sure that means he lost.

Later I found myself in the Hunger Games. The weird thing is I didn't care that everyone was going to try kill me. All I could think about was getting Katniss and Peeta's autograph. I ended up getting what I wanted and then realized I could just disapparate out of the Hunger games. I think Katniss and Peeta were very confused but whatever.

I ended up disapparating into Narnia. I saved the whole country six times and became queen but that's not important and then went to the real Narnia and met a donkey called Puzzle. I ended up disapparating back to earth but accidently took Puzzle with me. For some reason I couldn't get back to Narnia so I went to visit Susan and brought Puzzle with me and got him to talk to her. I bowed and shouted "Narnia exists!"in her face. Then I asked if she could take care of Puzzle, she nodded giving me a puzzled look and I randomly apparated again.

I landed in a room where Harry Potter and Percy Jackson were talking about how they must be twins that were separated at birth because they basically look the same so I rolled my eyes and disapparated.

For some reason I ended up in President Snows office so I sang 'girl on fire' by Alicia Keys. He got really annoyed so then I used my magic powers to put him in Elsa's dress and did another spell to make him sing Let it Go. Unfortunately for him this was during the rebellion ( I can go into any time and dimension I want okay?). Katniss came in with her bow and arrow pointed at him and then had a priceless look on her face. She caught a glimpse of me. "Hey I remember you,you were in the Hunger Games and got me and Peeta to give you autographs, then you just vanished into nothing two years ago!" I walked towards her and said "You probably will find this more confusing, what has been two years to you has only been minutes to me." Katniss pointed her bow and arrow at me "What the hell are you?!"she demanded. I simply replied by saying "a llama" and disapparated yet again.

I landed in a room where I saw Tara and Anya because everyone else was arguing. I jumped in delight and shouted "You're alive!!" They had a very puzzled look on each of their faces. I told Tara to avoid the window in Willows room at Buffy and Dawns place. She didn't seem to understand and was going to say something but I quickly said "Hush child" and turned to Anya "I can't stop you from dying but you will die a hero! I disapparated once more.

I landed in a place and saw Jean who was evil. I also saw Kitty heading for the boy so she could save him. I knew her mutant powers wouldn't work with him so I ran with her and explained. When we reached the boy I called upon Buckbeak and they left in a delicate manner. I simply disapparated once more.

I landed on top of Buffy and I asked how Dawn was. Then I realized ,by her hair, that Dawn didn't exist yet. I quickly said "Sorry I thought you were someone else." She shrugged it off and asked who I was. "My name is May" I told her. She told me that her name was Buffy and I pretended I didn't already know so I didn't sound like a stalker or anything. I watched her slay and made a random bag of popcorn appear out of nowhere so it was like I was watching a movie. We said "Goodbye" to each other and I went to bed.

While I was having my glorious sleep an irritating noise went off. I immediately yelled "WHO DARE DISTURB MY SLUMBER!" I realized it was my alarm and turned it off in embarrassment.

I accidentally disapparated again and landed in the TARDIS. It was the tenth doctor with Donna. They were talking about some alien so it took a while for them to realise I was there. When they did they stared at me and I just stood awkwardly. "Who are you and how did you get here?" The doctor asked. "I'm May I woke up,accidentally disapparated and landed here." "Will you please leave?!" Cried Donna. I immediately obeyed.

A few days later I had this really cool idea to get some of the characters to meet each other.

I could not be bothered getting everyone so I bought along Harry, Ron, Hermione, Buffy, Willow, Katniss, Peeta and Lucy.

I brought them to the basement and made it really foggy so it could be more dramatic.

Five minutes later I lifted the fog and noticed that none of them knew each other so I had to introduce everyone. I pointed to Harry,Hermione and Ron "these three are witches and wizards." I pointed to Lucy "She is queen of Narnia" I pointed to Buffy "She is a vampire slayer but also slays demons," I then pointed to Willow "She is a goddess." I finally pointed to Katniss and Peeta, "These two come from a place where 24 children have to kill each other each year."

I left them in the basement. Later at the end of school I had to go to the shops so I brought along Harry, Hermione, Ron, Katniss and Buffy. Sadly there were police and they thought Buffy was a criminal so we all had to run for it. When we were far away I noticed Harry wasn't there so I assumed he accidentally ran in a different direction.

Little did I know...

"You've got to believe me officer, I'm Harry Potter and a girl called May kidnapped all of us, she thinks she's a llama and she has unlimited powers!"

"Uh huh and I'm darf vadar." Harry ran away screaming. I ended up finding him in a mental state a day after but that's a whole other story.

Later I decided to get Dawn and Prim and see if they could annoy the other characters. Buffy and Katniss were in on it to. They were all ready "Alright you b-"don't call them that"-rilliant people, lets do this!"

Dawn walked up to Hermione and said "You're a witch right?" Hermione nodded. Dawn poured water on he. Dawn looked at Buffy "Why isn't she melting?" Later after Dawn got tired of pouring water on Hermione and Prim got bored of what she was doing (not going to be said due to coarse language being involved) they started to walk off. "No you don't just get away with trying to kill us (Prim)?" Everyone started ganging up on them. I came in the room not knowing how angry everyone was. "Guess what,it was my idea to get them to annoy you." Everyone jumped at me and started clawing (they still are) "Aaaaaaarrrrrrrrrgggghhhhhhh!"


Disclaimer: the Fandoms that are used in the book belong to their rightful owners and the author of this is not me but BLGW202 so please don't give me any credit for anything.

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