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Logan stepped out of the ride, Roman was frozen.. he spoke.. Logan grabbed his wrist and dragged him out of the crowed carnival.

"Roman.. I." Roman looked down and got out his phone but Logan stopped him. "Can I hear it again please?" Roman blushed and looked away and shook his head Logan pouted."please.. you sounded so cute." Roman blushed even more and Logan smiled at his response.

"Will you do it if I reply to your confession?" He asked and Roman rolled his eyes and smiled. Logan whispered in his ear. "Roman I love you too." He whispered and Roman gasped loudly, tears forming in his eyes someone who wasn't his family loved him.. despite his flaws. Logan panicked as he saw tears and began wiping them away but Roman grabbed his arm and pulled him into an kiss which Logan moaned in surprise.

"I love you too Logan.." his voice was wispy and rough for not using it for years but Logan didn't mind."  I'm so proud of you." Logan started but they saw an panicked Virgil running to him.

"GUYS! Guys HELP!" He shouts and they both ran to him, he was breathing roughly and shaking. "Virgil what's wrong?" Logan asked and Virgil started talking but it was uncomprehendble and choppy.

"Patton.. fall.. water... can't swim," but that was enough for Logan who jumped into hero mode. " where?" They ran to the bridge were Patton fell, Logan put his phone in Virgil's hands. "Phone 999" and jumped.

He dived into the water and Roman gasped, Virgil shakily phoned 999

Logan under water looked for Patton but he was afraid he was sweeped away by the current, he swam down deeper and deeper and saw an body trapped under rocks, Logan kicked his legs quicker and swam over to see patton's body, clothes stuck under the rocks, he moved the rocks with struggle as he was losing air, he grasped patton's t-shirt and pushed his now growing weak body up, but his eyelids were closing and he felt an familiar sleepiness flow over him, "no! Not now please." He begged but his grip on Patton was lose and he saw Patton body slowly flooding and saw his mouth was open and bubbles were escaping, Logan's body felt weightless and he knew he was floating down and down, his eyes closed and his mind shut down.

Police, life guards and ambulances flooded the bridge and one police pointed at the river. "Look over there! There is someone there." An life guard jumped in and pulled out patton's un moving body Virgil ran to patton's body screaming his name as the life guard done CPR. Roman stared at the river. "Logan... where Logan?" He asked and turned to an life guard." There's someone else." He said and the life guard looked at Patton." We were only informed of one." Roman in an blind panicked grabbed the life guard shoulder." No no no there's Logan he went to save Patton he's not here!" The life guard pushed him off him and jumped in the river.

"C'mon breathe breathe." The life guard chanted as he pushed down harshly on patton's chest, Virgil looked at Patton in a panic tears flowing down his face. Please... please Patton I need you.. 

He pressed down harder. "I love you please.. " he said outloud. The life guard smiled when Patton's body shot up and started coughing up water. "Ah Patton your okay!" Virgil cried and the life guard brought an stretcher and placed Patton on it and ran to the ambulance van while Virgil running after.

He jumped in the van and watched Patton sleeping face as the van zoomed off in his panic forgot about his brother and Logan.


Been sitting here forever..

Question: um favourite you tubers?

Mine is cryatioc

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