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Once Virgil woke up he frowns, it was far to bright. He drew the blinds making the room dark once more and he closed his eyes. However how hard he tried he couldn't get back to sleep.

He huffed and shoved on clothes. He walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where he saw Romans note.

"Off out looking around Won't be long." Virgil smiled and raced to get him self ready. No Roman meant he could check out the bakery without getting hollered off him.

He shoved on an black long sleeve shirt with black skinny jeans and boots. He ran out the door, making sure it was locked and began walking or more or less running to the bakery.

He ran past the towns people, apologising as he bumped into people. He ran behind the bakery where the bins of other shops sat. He peered over the wall where the towns people where cheerfully chatting.

How the heck was he getting in this shop? He didn't want to attracted the people's attention and he sighed. He was looking for an way to get in where he noticed the bakery had two entries. He sneaky opened the door making sure no one could see him.

Once inside he noticed how cosy the inside was, there was an till that was lined with tasty looking pastries and cakes. He saw tables lined up and felt an bit upset when he saw the tables had no dust on them, someone was taking such good care of it. Suddenly an light flicked on and Virgil stopped in his tracks.

The owner of the bakery was putting on his apron and was ready to start cleaning the glass of the cake display but stopped when he saw Virgil. His mouth opened and shut like an fish, Virgil was scared he was going to get kicked out and was about to state his business but the man eyes widen and an cheerful voice cried.

"Oh my! We have an customer!" Virgil shut his mouth and watched as the man fumbled around, Making the brush fall. Virgil stared fondly as he watched the man.

The man had curly messy hair, he had big brown chocolate eyes with big round glasses. He wore an light blue polo under an white chief jacket. The man sighed and stood behind the till.

"Ah sorry, may I get you anything?" The man asked and Virgil chuckled. The man giggled in response and Virgil felt his cheeks grow warm.

He's adorable.

"A-ah, yes yes you can!" Virgil fumbled his anxiousness taking effect, he stared at the row of cakes, he was stuck he didn't know any of these cake flavours. His mind started shouting at him he was taking to long he opened his mouth but the man jumped in.

"Hey, take your time I don't mind." He cooed and Virgil smiled gratefully. He noticed an cake with white icing on it and pointed at it. "What's that flavour?" The man face brighten. "Red velvet cake great for sharing with others!" The anxious man smiled he did like velvet cake.

"I have an whole cake or I have cupcakes take you pick." The man giggled and Virgil suggested two cupcakes. The man carefully placed the two cupcakes in the box and careful close the box. The box was an pastel blue.

The man smiled and handed the box over. "There you are, that would be £2 pounds please." Virgil raised his eyebrow and whistled."fair prices." The man nodded.

Virgil looked around how the heck was this place cursed. The man stared at him he didn't even seemed bothered that he wasn't leaving, Virgil grabbed his box in an haste.

"I'll see you later thanks for the cakes..?"

"My name is Patton! You?"

"Virgil sanders!"

"Well Virgil sanders I'll see you later!" With that Patton waved and saw the man ran out. He smiled goofy the first customer he's had in years. He giggled and he was also cute.


Hey  sorry this is such an short chapter! So Patton is finally here!!

Question: favourite cake?

Mine is red velvet and carrot cake

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