Grow Up!

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[ Language used was Filipino & English]

Hebrew 5:11-14 (NIV)

11"We have much to say about this, but it is hard to explain because you are slow to learn. 12 In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God's word all over again. You need milk, not solid food! 13 Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. 14 But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil."

When do you consider yourself that you grow? That you REALLY grow? That through the years that had passed, you've grown. Wait, before you answer, what is growing up by the way?

Accdg. to 'The Newbury House Dictionary of American English' growing up means to be mature, to develop as time passes, and to 'Merriam Webster Dictionary' to stop thinking or behaving in a childish way.

Now that you know what is growing up means. Let me ask you again, when do you consider yourself that you grow?

Growth is normal and a cause of joy because as time goes by we grow and we mature.

Who's not gonna be happy when through the life experiences we've been through, we mature? Our thinking ways was changed.

As a Christian, as a believer of Christ. Do you consider yourself that you've grown? Do you know that not all Christian are growing? Why? Because it depends in the person if they want to grow in their Christian life/journey.

Now, I will presents you 'Causes of Immaturity & Maturity of a Christians'.

• Hard-headed Christians (v.11)
Christians who accepted Christ Jesus as their Lord and Saviour but never change their lifestyle, even if once they accepted Him they are a new creation, the old them has gone and the new them has come. (2Cor5:17)

Why, hard-headed Christian have a difficulty in changing their lives? We must know their lifestyle first, before we judge them.

In my life, I once become a hard-headed Christian. Why, I'm so hard-headed? As a new believer of Christ, it is so difficult to change lifestyle especially if you are the only Christian in the family, to your classmates, friends and etc.

Naalala ko noong bagong Christian pa lang ako, 'pag nasa school ako palagi akong tinatawag na masyadong religious ng mga classmate ko. Bilang bagong Christian, nakaka'down ng loob kapag tinawag kang 'religious' , kasi naman pakiramdam ko noon dahil sa bagong Christian nga ako, naiisip ko na baka iwan na nila ako, lalayuan. Sa kaawaan ng Diyos, hindi naman nila ako nilayuan o iniwasan.

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