Chapter 14

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Haley's pov
*months later*
We have a week left of school, but I am going down to Boston with Livi for the week. This year has been really hard. Grant asked me out a week after Tristons party. We have been dating sense then. Triston and Victoria broke up last month, but me and Victoria became really close friends. Josh and Livi are still dating, they argue a lot, lately they have been fine though. It's already 12:30pm and I told grant that he could come over at 2 and help me pack for Boston. I got up and put my hair in a messy bun, then I put some yoga shorts on, I wore a light blue tank top. I put some light makeup on, but not to much. Grant is going to watch latifah and Bon-qui-qui, while we are in Boston. I'm excited to go home to my mom and see dekota! Livis parents are staying at my moms house too, cause they want to see Livi, but Livi wants to stay with me. I heard a knock at the door... I ran down and let grant in.
"Hey" he said kissing me.
"Hi! Alright we need to start packing!"
"Okay, is Livi packing today too?"
"Nope, she said she is waiting till tomorrow. I told her she should today, but she wants to go over to Josh's today." I said pulling grant upstairs. We packed my stuff for about an hour, then I went over things he needed to know about the dogs, even though he already knows lol. I've never loved anybody like I loved triston, but in the past few months I've fell for grant real hard. I'll never love anybody like triston, but I am in love with grant. Grant had to leave and I won't see him for a week, but we will FaceTime every night!
"Love you babe." He said, then kissed me.
"Love you more." I replied

***arriving in Boston***

Livis parents and my mom picked us up at the airport."hi sweetie, I missed you so much! How has Missouri been?" My mom asked really excited.
"It's been alright. I'm seeing a guy named grant. And he is really sweet!"
"Oh, what happened with triston?"
"Let's not talk about that... Things just didn't work out."
"Alright well how bout we all go for a ride when we get home? I know dekota has missed you like crazy!
"Yeah I can't wait!" I'm so excited to get home and see dekota. We live on a farm, and we have 7 horses.
When we got back to the house I through my stuff inside, and sprinted out to the barn. I grabbed dekota's bridle and jumped on her. Livi followed, getting on one of our horses named fantasy. My mom and livis parents followed as well. We rode for about 3 hours, I love riding! When we got home we are dinner and then Livi and I went up to my room. Livis parents were staying In the guest room. "HALEY!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs.
"YES?" I yelled back as I ran down the stairs.
"I heard you got an F on your report card this year, also I heard you got shit faced at a party while Triston knocked up Livi?" My mom said really angry. Wait how the fuck does she know all this and did she seriously just say shit faced? Wtf!!!
"Who told you that?" I asked.
"Doesn't matter, you have failed so many times this year, I'm very disappointed in you."
"Cool! I never seem to impress you... Nothing I do is ever good enough for you, And I'm not the one who got knocked up, so why you mad at me!?"
"You got shit faced and an F on your report card!
"Ok what the fuck is up with you saying I was shit faced? Like I wasn't that drunk and I was safe!!!! Also I'm sorry I'm not perfect in school!!! I can't change my stupidity!!"
"You can try harder."
"You don't understand how hard I try though!!!"
"Not hard enough... And I realized why triston left you, cause you're a little un classy bitch!"
My mom just went way to far! I ran upstairs in tears. Livi tried calming me down and talking to me. Her parents came into my room and said that we could go back to their house. I just want to go back to Missouri! But I can't at the moment so I decided to go to livis until I could get the next plane ride back.
I stayed at livis for the night and I texted my dad about coming home. He got a ticket for tomorrow morning but he wouldn't be home and he would leave the key out under the mat. I agreed, and I talked to Livi. Livi is going to stay in boston for 2 weeks with her parents, they have really missed eachother. I can't wait to get home tomorrow, I'm going to surprise grant!

****on way back to dad's house from the airport****

We were arriving at my house which is right across from grants. When I got out of the car I grabbed all my stuff out of the trunk. I went up grants driveway, and as I got closer I saw him making out with a girl. I dropped all my stuff and started tearing up. I really want to go ham on both this chick, and grant. I ran up to them both. Grant saw me and stood up. "Hails it's not what it looks like.." He said really nervous.
"Bull shit grant." I snapped, "I'm just here to grab the dogs that's it. He opened the door and I called for the dogs, they came running out. I texted Livi telling her everything. As I was walking away, grant grabbed my arm.
"Haley, angel is ju-" he started but I cut him off.
"Don't even grant... She's obviously not just a friend, so save it!" I walked away and latifah pooped in his yard. I can't believe this! I have such shit luck with relationships! I had to lug all my stuff back to my house and the dogs followed. When I got to my driveway I saw somebody sitting on the steps. I couldn't tell who it was yet, but I knew it wasn't my dad cause he was working. When I got closer I could make out the face more.... Triston?

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