Break Up

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Warning 3,000+ words😩 Goodnight 😘

"So what do you say?"Peter asked Chris

Chris sighed deeply "I don't know man...this is a big step"

"I understand that...that's why im gonna give you my card and you can call me when you've made up your mind"He said handing Chris a card

"Appreciate it,man"Chris got up and shook his hand before walking out with me

"I cannot believe that just happened"Nina said

"Me either...I can't believe I might be signing an ACTUAL record deal"Chris said looking at the card in shock

"Yeah...But like you said it's a big step...before you sign anything you gotta get them papers checked out by or lawyer or something"I said.He nodded


As Chris drove back home I started to think.I started to think about everything we went through just to be together and I'll be damned if my mom or my dad try to break us up.

"They wanna break us up"I said looking out the window

"What? Who?"He asked

"My mom and my dad....that's what August told me on the porch.He said that he overheard my dad and mom talking about breaking us up"I said looking over at him.He held a tight jaw and his hands was clenched onto the steering wheel

"How you know August isn't trying to do the same?"He asked

"I don't know.All I know is he isn't lying about my mom and my dad"

Chris sighed "This is exactly what I was afraid of"he stopped at red light

I gave him a confused look

"Nina I love you with all my heart and you know I do.but I don't know if I can put you through this"he shook his head

"P-Put me through what?"I asked

"Danger.Nina you don't understand messing with your Charles is not good,as you can see I almost ended up dead because of the gang I'm in....if anything happens to you Nina.I literally couldn't live with myself"He said

I took a deep breath "Chris what are you saying? Are telling me that you wanna break up?"

"No..I just think we should take a break or something"He shrugged nonchalantly

"Or something?"


"Do you know what we went through just to be together and your talking about breaking up?"I could hear my voice crack

"Baby,please don't know I don't wanna do this but...keeping you safe is way more important right now"Chris said grabbing my hand.I ripped my hand from his and looked out the window,by now I know I had tears going down my face.


When Chris parked the car in the yard and I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt and ran out the car.

"Nina wait!"I heard Chris yelled

I ran in the house up to my bedroom locking the door.After about 15 seconds I heard Chris jogging upstairs.

"Baby way you at?"I heard him say before jiggling the door handle.

I heard him sigh

"Nina I know you're upset but you gotta see things from my point of don't understand-"he said

"Chris don't you think I know what IM risking being with you? I know all the possible things that could happen to me but I don't care!"

"I do!...Nina I can't risk something happening to you I-I just can't! And if that means we gotta take a break for a while be it"Chris said

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