Dangerously In Love Pt 4

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Nina pov

"This can't be happening man"Chris said rubbing his face in frustration.

I frowned "What's that suppose to mean?"

He sighed "Nina I would love for you to have my baby some day...but not now....I'm not ready to be a father"

"Your not ready?"

"No I'm not! And your not either"

"Reminder I said I could be pregnant"I scoffed

"I'm not ready"he shook his head

"So if I go to the doctor and they tell me I am pregnant then what? You want me to a abortion?"

"I didn't say that"He sighed deeply

" that's what your implying"I said

"I don't got time for this"he said walking back in the room with Izzy

I sighed picking up my toothbrush


Sevyn pov

"I don't understand Dave,how the fuck did they escape?"

"Somebody must've helped them I don't know"

Me and Brittney looked at each other.

"Chris"We said at the same time

"Yeah most likely...I should've killed his ass at the warehouse"Dave said

"You think he's got Izzy?"Brittney asked

"I don't know I gotta find this nigga Chris...now"

Nina pov

I walked downstairs and grabbed Jena pulling her into the kitchen.

" what are you doing-"

"I might be pregnant"I blurted out.Agnez looked up from the floor,I tried to whisper but I guess it came out to loud.

"What?!"Jena squealed

"Shhhh! I said might...not that I was"

"Well what makes you think that? Did you take a test?"Jena asked

"No but my period is late and me and Chris didn't use a condom in the shower"I whispered

Jena gasp "Y'all did it in the shower?"

I kissed my teeth "Bitch that's not the point"

"Sorry....did you tell Chris you might be pregnant?"

"Yeah...and he wasn't to excited about it...he said he wasn't ready"

"Well it takes two"Jena said

Just then we heard another scream coming from upstairs

Agnez sighed "Ugh just kill him already!"She shouted

Jena and I gave her a 'The fuck?' Face

Chris pov

"Shut the fuck up nigga!"Micheal said punching him in the face.

All of Izzy's fingers were broken.One of his tooth was out,Lucas cracked both his kneecaps with a bat,I stuck a strew driver in his leg.Micheal gave him two black eyes and a busted lip.

"You know what I think he's had enough...it's time to end this nigga"I said pulling out my gun aiming it at him

"Wait...did you hear that?"Lucas asked

We all got quite and heard a glass break and a scream coming from one of the girls from downstairs.

We bursted out the room door and ran downstairs. Once we reached downstairs we saw the girls was still here and I sighed in relief,I also saw that the Window in the kitchen was broken and the glass was all on the floor.

"What happened?"I asked Nina

"I don't know somebody just threw something through the window"she panicked

I slowly walked in the kitchen and saw a brick with a note attached to it,I read it out loud

You really think you could kidnap my homeboy and get away with? Hell no...see ya in the next life Bitch


"The fuck?"

"What is that suppose to mean?"Agnez asked

"Micheal,Lucas....y'all stay down here I'll be right back"I said slightly jogging upstairs

I opened the guess room and saw that Izzy was gone

"FUCK!"I yelled

Micheal then came in the room "Yo why you scr- the fuck? Where Izzy?"

I looked at the window and saw it was opened "He escaped"I sighed

"Ain't no way he escaped by his self"Micheal said

Lucas then came in the room "Yo I told y'all to stay downstairs"I mumbled

"Did Izzy escaped?"Lucas asked with wide eyes

"What it look like?"I said clenching my jaw

The room fell quite...so quiet it...I thought I heard ticking.

My eyebrows strunched together as I walked over to the bed where the ticking got louder.I went to the other side of the bed and pulled the cover off and BAM

A Fucking Bomb

Time set 1:32

"Oh shit! That's a bomb!"I yelled jumping over the bed

We all ran out the room and ran downstairs.Micheal grabbed Jena arm

"Nina,Agnez let's go"

"What? Why?"Nina asked

"DONT ASK ME WHY JUST DO WHAT I SAY LETS GO!"I yelled grabbing her hand and yanking her out the house

We all piled up in my car.I cranked up the car and drove off super fast.Nina sat in the passenger seat,Agnez,Micheal, and Jena sat in the middle row while Lucas sat in the back

"Chris slow down before we get into a car accident"Nina yelled

Once we were far from the house I slowed down a bit.

"why did we leave?"Agnez asked

"Cause It was a fucking bomb in there"Micheal said as I clenched my jaw

"A WHAT?"All the girls said at the same time

"Who put a bomb in there?"Agnez asked

"Don't worry about that right now...I gotta take y'all somewhere safe"I said

Agnez put her hand on Chris's shoulder "Thank you so much...for saving me"

I strunched my face up and looked at her.

"No problem...at least somebody appreciated it"he said slightly looking at me from the corner of his eye

I scoffed and looked out the window.I did appreciate him for saving me! I just didn't say it because I was mad at him..hell Im still kinda mad at him!

"You said we needed to go somewhere safe, Where is that?"Jena asked

"Back to California"Chris said as I looked at him with wide eyes

Sorry for the late update☹️❤️🖤

I also updated my other Chris Brown book 😏😊

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