Tony knew the Captain was not up to speed on technology. Tony sat in Stark tower brooding like a princess for the rest of the day since Cap left and all the next day as well.
Tony began to worry. He sat on his desk waiting for a text, a call; Hell even a letter from his soldier would be better than nothing. The phone was designed to be used anywhere in the world so it's not like he didn't have service.
Tony was too proud, as always to send the first text. "He knows I am thinking about him. He'll text." Tony fiddled with his phone in hand. He couldn't sit still. He tried starting on new projects then stopped. Tony shuffled around his desk, the tower. He made a drink or four.
It only heightened his sense of worry. Tony couldn't do it anymore. He gave in. "Hey babe..."
"No that sounds too desperate." He thought aloud.
"Hey Cap. You alright?"
"No. That seems like I'm mad at him. Fuck! Why is this so hard?"
Happy walked in.
"Everything alright boss?" He asked.
"How do you text somebody?" Tony asked in frustration.
"You of all people I would think would.."
"I know how to send a text Happy! Just..." Tony threw his phone down and buried his face in his hands. He heard his security officer walk over to him.
"Just thinking about you. Hope you're okay." Happy took the phone and sent the text.
Tony peaked from behind his hands. He snatched his phone from the desk.
"Does this make me sound a little...desperate?" He asked.
"The man respects honesty Tony. Just be honest." Happy turn and left Tony to his devices.
Tony put on his glasses and looked from his phone to his computer.
"If he didn't take off his tracker I would feel better." He thought to himself.
He looked down at his phone and his eyes lit up with joy and relief.
"Read: 12:45."