Annika's first visit to OM

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At that night, Mr Malthotra decides to talk with his daughter, Annika regarding Shivaay.

He enters Annika's room who was keen talking with Shivaay and suddenly cuts off the call after seeing her father.

Mr Malhotra : Beta, u didnt take ur dinner yet? Come lets take dinner together?

Annika: Yes papa. In a while. Why papa doesn't eat yet? Aiyoo, papa u should take care of ur health, U should eat at time papa. Why papa is being so irresponsible nowadays, not taking care of urself..

Mr.Malhotra: Okay beta, but what to do, recently I don't have anyone to take care of this old man, no one has time to talk with me, no one has time to take lunch together. I don't like to eat alone although having a daughter by myself.

Annika is shocked to hear those words from her father, being in love with Shivaay makes her gets in distance with her father. She starts to cry as being guilty for ignoring her father.

Mr Malhotra: are..are..mera bachi, why are u crying? Papa doesn't feel sad for seeing my daughter ignoring me, instead papa feel proud and happy to see my khidikitod daughter is fulfilling my wishes..

Annika: Kya?? Fulfilling wishes? Yeh kya bolringge papa?

Mr Malhotra : Yes dear. I know you are in love with Shivaay. And u know what? I have discussed about marrying u with Shivaay with her dad about 4 months ago. But I didn't tell you earlier and I thought to remain this matter unspoken until gets answer from Shakti Ji side. I also thought how would u accept my request of marrying a businessman as u have no interest in business. But, yesterday when Shivaay bothered for not meeting u for two days and seeing u are happy being with him make me to feel proud of my decision. I am very happy for you . and, for ur happiness and surprise, I will discuss this matter with Shakti JI to make further arrangements for marriage. Okay betta?

Annika: Papa...wo....meh... (Stammering and excited because she was thinking on how to open this matter to her father but seeing her father has same decision and thought as her, she feels very happy for being khidikitod daughter) . Thanks papa. She hugs and kissed her father. She says, papa, me hun khidikitod. I have no issues of marrying a businessman papa, because Shivaay asks me to follow my dreams and interest and he also says that he will never question me for not being in business with him in future. He respects my interest and dream as u do papa. I am truly happy to see both my father and husband treat me as their own eyes. Shivaay is really gem of person papa. He cares me a lot, cant bear to see I am hurt, he balances me with his family. I like that quality because I don't want later his family members says I have separated his love from them. So, he balances the love between me and his family members. I also wont be a block for him to spend time with his brothers, family and business as well. He will be the worst beast if I interfere in his business and chuckles.

Mr Malhotra: That's my daughter. I know u are very mature and didn't know that u are this mature. U are behaving like a own daughter of Oberoi. The daughter in law should be another daughter in the house , I am very proud to see u r possessive for his love but never demand his love to be only urs. Annika, I have the confident that u will be the best wife, daughter in law in Oberoi's khandan.

Annika: haiii, mera lovely papa while holding her father's cheeks and says stop praising me and now lets have the meal. While she sees someone stands near the door and its Shivaay.

Flashback :

Annika was talking to Shivaay and suddenly cuts off the call. So, He feels worry that something would have happened to her because Annika declines all the calls of Shivaay because busy talking with her father.So, he decides to go to her home and check whether she is fine or not.

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