Shivaay hurts for his deeds

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On the next morning, Annika wakes up in the guest room. She feels so sad and hurt . She checks her face and her eye bags. She remembers the last night incident. She finally gives up on Shivaay and decides to leave to Chandna 's house meanwhile waiting to go Pune.
On other side, Shivaay also wakes up and feels shock to see Annika's absence at his room. He also rewinds the memory. He facepalms as he should not have behaved harshly to Annika. But he needs some space for that so he decides to seek apologies from her.
He searches for Annika in his house.
Meanwhile , Annika enters his room to take all her clothes and to pack in the luggage.
Shivaay thinks" where would have she gone early this morning? She definitely will be naraz with me? I should explain to her about the business deal and meeting that drive me crazy for these few days"

He finds her at his room.
Shivaay: Annika, what are u duin here? What's for the luggage? Annika, I know you are angry, but ....
Annika quickly packs get things and zips her luggage without giving a head to Shivaay.
Shivaay (blocks her way with his hand) ; Annika, listen.. I want to talk with you something...
Annika looks on and ignores him and tries to walk away from him.
Shivaay twists her hand and pulls her, he turns back and both of them collided. Annika bumps on with shivaay's body and she stares on him in anger.
Shivaay: didnt I am saying? I want to talk with you? What are you doing here, what's this luggage all?
Annika: why? How does it matter to you? I don't want to talk with you!!! I am truly fed up with you shivaay, with our relationship! You didn't talk when you are supposed to talk ! Now, after hurt and break my heart, there is no use of talking to me Shivaay! I get to know one thing, u are truly not interested in marriage, preserving this bod, appreciating my presence! I get to know you well from yesterday Shivaay, how could you throw me out from your room? Means I don't have any rights to be with you? To talk with, share your problem? U know, everyday, I always want to talk with you, wanted to see you before and after you back from office, but you? Did you bother about me? Have you cared on me whether I had my food? How's my day? I came into this house and family because of you, I blindly trusted you that, being with you, only you, I could live in this house without my father's presence. There truth is you just don't care about my presence with you Shivaay!!!!
Shivaay: walks ahead to her. Do you really think I don't care on you?
He wants to cups her face but she takes his hand away.
Annika: yes you did. ( while crying). After seeing the real you yesterday, I regret of marrying you! I think I lived so happily in my house. I never used to cry like this! Even , no matter how busy my father is, he always allocate his time to eat with me, chat with me. But you are not! Enough shivaay. Enough for all the pains that you have given to me! I don't want to mend this relationship. I have desperately waited for the day where you will talk me, you will be like a husband, but no, you are admitting myself as a friend to u , he na? Okay, I am ur friend, and now you friend feels burden and suffocated to stay here. Leave my hands. I am going away from you. Today, all ur wishes which wanted me to get lost from here will happen. Don't ever bring your face again in my life! Thank god, I am going to Pune , I will definitely forget these bitter days. Bye.

She grabs her hand out of his hold and drags the luggage to hall.

Shivaay looks on her and has teary eyes. Shivaay picks up his phone by saying "you can't go to Pune".

Pinky: Oh my mata, Annika? Where are you going? Have you both decided on your honeymoon without telling us? Where is shivaay? How dare he is? Since when he become so romantic? Dadi went to Thirupathi, sakthi Ji and Tej Ji went to London. This shivaay na, doesn't he feel to tell us about honeymoon? Where is the place ah?

Annika: bless me aunty. Wo, pinky Aunty, I am going to Pune.

Jhanvi: what? Honeymoon in Pune?
Annika: no not for honeymoon. It's actually I am going for a training course for 5 months.

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