Chapter 2

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Samantha's POV

I cannot believe what just happened. It was Robbie. No this can't be, maybe I'm dreaming. Why am I overreacting like this?! "Maybe because you love him!" the voice in my head told me. I was totally defeated. I did really love him but us being together was too good to be true. Robbie is Mr Popular and I'm Miss Nerdy. That just doesn't go. I question myself asking "Why him?" But the truth is nobody has the answer to that, not even that annoying little voice in my head which is always right.

My phone buzzed telling me I had received a text.

"Sammy, where have you been all day?! I missed you. Anyway, come to the diner so we can start work." That was my other best friend Danielle. She was my life. Like my sister, if I needed a shoulder to cry on she'd be there. I just love her to bits. Unfortunately, my car was at the mechanics so I had to start my 25 minute walk to work. Great, that's when  it decided to start raining! Walking to work didn't appeal to me any more so I decided stand under the bus shelter. It started to rain really hard against the roof of the bus shelter. It actually sounded rather frightening.

From the distance I noticed a man attempting to fix his car. I guessed that his car broke down. I felt sorry for him having to fix his car in weather like this it wasn't working out. The man started to walk towards me. Shit. My heart started beating fast as the figure made his way towards the bus shelter I was standing under. I couldn't see clearly who the person was but I could only make out that the guy had light brown hair that complimented his beautiful hazel eyes. Those eyes looked familiar I told myself figuring out where I've seen them. As the figure stepped closer I knew exactly who it was. Him. Robbie. This cannot be happening. 

It was him. Why is he here?! I need to get away from here and fast! I most do not want to talk to him . I prayed to God that the bus was gonna coming soon. Before I knew he was standing right in front of me.

"Um, Samantha is it?" He said removing his hair from his eyes.

"Yeah. What do you want?" I replied looking away.

"My car broke down and I was sort of hoping you could help me. I saw you staring at me for the past 10 minutes and I thought you'd know what to do" His hazel eyes started into mine and there was an awkward silence.  Oh fuck! He noticed me looking at him. What do I say?! What the hell do I say?! I was definitely freaking out. My palms was getting sweaty and I could feel my cheeks becoming red.

"Do I bloody look like a mechanic to you?!"

"I'm sorry. I just thought you could help. Ididn't mean to get on your nerves and make you angry." he said with an innocent look on his face. My heart melted. A smile formed on my face and a soft sigh escaped my from my mouth.

"You look really cold, how about you come in my car and wait in my car until the rain stops" he offered kindly.

"Yeah sure" I smiled. I followed him to his car and he opened the door for me like a real gentlemen

"Tell me a bit about your self" I was shocked about the fact that he wanted to know things about me.

"Um, I-I live with my dad, my mum left when I was only three." My eyes filled with tears and my throat was extremely dry.  The tears went back and continued talking

"My dad works as the owner of this huge clothing company all over the world. I get straight A's. I have 2 amazing best friends, and I'm crazy about this boy. Who happens to be a selfish, stubborn, self-obsessed player who only cares about himself" His face expression completely changed.

"I'm sorry, I think I've said too much." My heart beat went up and again my cheeks went bright red.

"Um its okay I guess" He somehow looked disappointed.

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